June Newsletter 2024



The Basic Don’ts: Don’t smoke Don’t vape Don’t tan Don’t drink too much

There is no secret to glowing skin, but it is not through luck. Clear and beautiful skin is a combination of genetics, skincare maintenance and a healthy lifestyle. Even if you are not fortunate enough on the genetic side, you can always improve your skin health. The Basic Dos:

We also know through years of research that smoking, unprotected sun and excess alcohol increase the aging process for the skin. Individuals that routinely live a less healthy diet have skin that ages twice as fast as those that lead a healthier lifestyle. For All Skin Types Never pick your blemishes as that will increase the inflammation and result in longer term discoloration on the face Wash your face every day with a skin cleanser appropriately chosen for your skin type Apply sunscreen every day Apply a Vitamin C serum every night

Get plenty of sleep Get daily exercise Drink plenty of water Eat your colors

We understand that lifestyle factors affect the aging of the skin. If you’ve had a late night or fail to drink enough water, you will certainly notice the quality of your skin takes a temporary nose-dive. If that is your lifestyle, your skin will show age faster. If you eat a high quality diet and get plenty of sleep and exercise, your skin will thank you.

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