Berman PT - August 2020

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Just before writing this, I learned that Aug. 1 is National Mountain Climbing Day. Strangely, this doesn't remind me of any climbing trips, but it makes me think about the metaphorical mountains we all have to climb. As anyone will tell you, overcoming obstacles in life isn't easy. It takes a lot of perseverance, possibly rethinking your entire approach, and doing this is easier said than done. Jenni and I just recently overcame a challenge that took us years to handle. We often think of pregnancy as a nine-month process, but our pregnancy journey was four years long. After 12 months of trying to start a family ourselves, we

help Jenni to stay focused and positive. I had to start looking at things from a functional standpoint. The whole time we were going through this, I knew that the stress alone was big enough to restrict Jenni's body from carrying a baby. My whole focus going forward from that point on went toward not stressing out about the result of having a baby, but rather being in the present which made the journey a little easier. Ultimately, four years later, we were successful without any medication, leading us to the biggest moment of our lives: Stella June Berman was born on April 26, right at midnight.

In hindsight, I realized that when we're fighting an uphill battle, we must focus on working smarter, not harder. In our case, we initially directed our strategy at the result, not necessarily the process or addressing how to get there.

began meeting with a fertility doctor and going through several treatments. Over the next two years, we went through countless procedures without success, which caused our frustration, heartache, and sadness to grow.

This strategy caused a lot of stress and anxiety not just for us but for everyone around us. Once we realized we had to adjust, we started enjoying the moment which removes that anxiety and helps you achieve your goal.

“I realized that when we're fighting an uphill battle, we must focus on working smarter, not harder.”

The reality is that everything changes; it doesn't matter if you're at a good or bad point in your life — one thing I can guarantee you is that it's going to change sooner or later. When you're going through something difficult, try focusing more on the journey and less on the destination.

Admittedly, I was struggling to keep it together and to console my wife and every attempt increased our feeling of loss. In one

attempt, we were getting through the second trimester only to lose the baby boy. We were on an uphill battle, three years into the process, only to have our one hope ripped away from us, making it a low point for our relationship. But we kept climbing the mountain, and after six months, we were pregnant again. However, it didn't stay that way, and we lost that baby, too. At that point, we'd spent more than three years, countless dollars, and time without success.

Focus on the climb so you can enjoy the view at the end. If you do this and enjoy every day to the best of your ability, then the result will ultimately take care of itself. Stay safe and healthy, everyone.

So, to gain some clarity, I stepped back and started to focus on the basics. I knew we had to keep climbing; I knew I had to

–Jake Berman

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When you think of the word “core,” you probably picture rock-hard abs, but there’s so much more to this group of muscles than that. Your core is made up of 29 different muscles in the middle and lower back, pelvic floor, buttocks, and hips, and they all work together to support your body’s movements. No matter where a motion starts, it either originates in the core or eventually moves through it, which means if your core is compromised, then a lot of other activities are compromised. Luckily, you can strengthen your core in many ways. BALANCE Your core muscles serve as your body’s natural stabilizers and make constant adjustments in response to nerve cells called proprioceptors, which help with your sense of spatial awareness. When your core becomes weak, it’s more difficult to balance yourself in your center of gravity, which increases your risk of falls and affects upper and lower body movements. Standing on stability boards, which are flat boards with

curved undersides, is a great way to work on improving your core balance. You can even practice maintaining your stability by standing on one leg.

rolling your shoulders back. When you first begin training to strengthen your core, it’s also essential to establish proper pelvic alignment. Try rocking the pelvis forward and backward in a full range of motion until you find a comfortable middle portion of the movement. Many additional practices, like yoga and tai chi, can also help improve core alignment. When it comes to physical therapy sessions, you’ll find that even if you’re there to address pain in your arms, neck, or legs, your therapist will often include core movements in your regimen because the core is such an integral part of everything we do. Whether you’re lifting a bag of groceries, practicing your golf swing, or recovering from an injury, strong core muscles are the support system your body needs to get the job done.

STRENGTH Core strength is different from

core balance: Strength determines how well your muscles produce functional movement. An array of both static (nonmoving) and dynamic (moving) exercises are great for any level of physical fitness. Static movements include exercises like planks or bridges, while dynamic movements include situps, pushups, and crunches. More gentle dynamic exercises for those just starting out, like leg lifts or pelvic tilts, can also help strengthen your core muscles. ALIGNMENT Achieving a healthy core can also improve your posture, which relieves stress on the spine and encourages proper alignment overall. Address your posture by standing up straight and


THE POWER OF MUSIC TO SHIFT YOUR MOOD 2020 has been a difficult year. If you’re feeling frustrated, angry, or depressed right now, you’re not alone! All over the world, people have been trying different strategies to cope with their feelings,

and it’s just one small example of how music uplifts people. This isn’t just an anecdotal effect, either. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, music can help us process emotions and fight mental health conditions like anxiety, dysregulation, depression, trauma, sleep disorders, schizophrenia, and more. So, how can you take advantage of music’s power to turn your mood around? One option is to create music of your own, but another is simply to listen. When it comes to flipping a bad mood on its head, a survey conducted by the Family Center for Recovery (FCR) suggests that rock is the genre of choice. “During any given year, depression affects approximately 5%–8% of Americans,” FCR reports. “According to our survey participants, the vast majority — around 89% — turn

to music in order to feel better. The top genre for depressed listeners is rock, followed closely by alternative, pop, and hip-hop/rap.”

including yoga, meditation, exercise, binge-watching their favorite TV shows, and even baking banana bread. But perhaps the most universal outlet and cure for pent-up emotions is music. Do you remember the clip that went viral in March of Italians in quarantine, singing together from their balconies? If you do, that’s probably because it made you smile. TIME heralded it as proof that “the country’s spirits are still strong,”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the blues came in last on the list.

To put the power of music to work, create playlists for each mood that you want to turn around, like “Anger,” “Frustration,” “Sadness,” “Anxiety,” or “Grief,” and fill them with songs from genres associated with fighting that feeling. According to FCR, rock is the most popular antidote to sadness and anxiety, and it’s also high on the list for anger, along with pop and country. Frustrated people opt for variations of rock, pop, punk, and heavy metal, and those stricken by grief turn to soft rock or soul. The artists are up to you, so fill up your lists, press play, and let the music do its work.

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Everyone knows how labor-intensive cleaning can be. A long day of scrubbing down your house is a great way to work your muscles and get your blood pumping, so crank up some tunes, grab a mop, and get ready to transform your cleaning routine into a great workout. To get physical benefits from cleaning, you need to turn up the intensity of your methods. Exaggerate your motions, pick up your pace, and keep your abs tight and knees flexed. Nearly any chore can be turned into an exercise, but here are some ideas to get you started. • Vacuum: Vacuum briskly nonstop for at least 20 minutes, switching arms as you go. For an added challenge, do lunges as you vacuum and remember to keep your toes pointed straight ahead and your knees bent at 90-degree angles. • Pick Up: Instead of simply bending over to pick up toys or clothes, do a squat with every item you grab. Remember to use your legs, not your back. You can also do squats while unloading the dishwasher or with any other chore that involves repeated bending. • Wipe Down: Whether you’re wiping windows or scrubbing appliances, do big, exaggerated arm circles until your muscles start to burn and make sure you’re switching arms as you go.

• Cook: It’s not cleaning, but it’s still a chore with useful downtime. While food is simmering or thawing in the microwave, do some pushups, situps, or planks to get your muscles moving. You can implement dozens of exercises to turn mundane activities into beneficial workouts. Some chores will burn more calories than others, but every bit of activity helps. Now’s the time to work your way to a cleaner house and a healthier you.



Inspired by Simple Vegan


• 1/2 cup oil (extra-virgin olive oil recommended) • 1/4 cup vinegar (apple cider vinegar recommended) • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 4 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped

• 2 tbsp dried oregano • 1/2 tsp salt (Himalayan pink salt recommended) • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper • Cayenne pepper, to taste


1. In a bowl, add all ingredients except cayenne and whisk until well mixed. If desired, add cayenne pepper a little at a time until you reach your preferred level of spiciness. 2. Serve immediately or, for an even better taste and texture, refrigerate for 1–2 days. 3. You may increase the batch size, but keep the ratio of oil and vinegar the same — 2-to-1. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 months.

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501 Goodlette Road North, C-100 Naples, FL 34102 239-431-0232 |

Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Are you thinking about donating your kids’ old clothes or that slow cooker you haven’t used in months? Though donating your unwanted items is a great thing to do, amid the pandemic, many people have not considered the future of secondhand shopping and charity-based thrift stores like Goodwill. In 2018, Goodwill funded nearly $5.3 billion in charitable services, like educational assistance, job training, and work placements. But now, Goodwill and similar organizations are facing a unique problem: They’re receiving too many donations. To prevent your items from ending up in a landfill, consider the following before you donate. Under the circumstances, this situation is understandable. Thanks to nationwide stay-at-home orders, many took advantage of their newfound spare time to spring-clean and

subsequently donate unwanted items to charity. However, with the confusion about how long the COVID-19 virus can live on clothing, secondhand shoppers have been staying home, worried about the health risks of buying used goods. Famously, thrift stores still keep unsold goods out of landfills. Up to 75% of Goodwill’s merchandise, for example, isn’t sold in their stores. Instead, it’s sent to discount outlets and then into global markets. However, Mexican traders, who account for 30% of business at thrift stores close to the U.S. southern border, and Kenya, the world’s largest buyer of unsold secondhand clothes, have stopped buying during the economic shutdown. Meanwhile, some good-intentioned Americans are leaving their goods outside thrift stores’ front doors, not

realizing that without enough space to house the excess donations, many of these thrift stores will have to pay disposal fees, costing the business potential revenue and sending your items into local landfills. However, Goodwill still wants your donations! You just might have to hold on to your items for a little bit. Check to see if your local thrift stores are open for donations. Many recommend waiting until the influx slows down, but others have expanded their inventory storage and are ready to keep up. Just make sure to follow their guidelines on acceptable items because any broken or worn items only add to their costs. Happy donating!

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