King's Business - 1914-06

334 THE KING’S BUSINESS LESSON XIII.—June 28.— T he S eeking S aviour .— Read: Heb. 4:14- 5 :10. REVIEW G olden T e x t : The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost .— Luke 19:10.

So many of the quarter’s lessons bear upon the use and abuse of; material wealth that we may use that aspect of them as one Of the means of the seeking Saviour to save the lost. ■ “ The love of money is the root of all evil’’ (1 Tim. 6:10), and if you can grub that root out you can plant the love of God and man. I. The Lord’s Use of Wealth, to crown creation with a feast to the lowly (-mind­ ed);L-Luke 14:7-24. II. The Relation and Issue of Sacrifice to Glory. —Luke 24:26. I I I . , The Basdl Sacrifice of all Service, “ They first gave their own selves to the Lord” (2 Cor. 8 :5 ).—Luke 14:25-35. IV. Unselfish versus Selfish S eekin sB M oney and M issions , —Luke 15:1-10. V. The Reckless Waste (and Worse ) — Our Father’s goods.§|Luke 15:11-32.

VI. The Wise Disposition of Money .— Spending yet treasuring.—Luke 16:1-13. 1 VII. The Heartlessness of Wealth.— Luke 16:14, 15. 19-31. VIII. Were Every Dollar Donated It Would Not Meet Man’s Dues. —Luke 17:1-10. IX. Man Owes an Infinite Thank Offer­ ing —Not only a tenth, part but also the other “nine.”—Luke 17:11-19. X. The End of All is at Hand —What, and how save out of the wreck?—Luke 17: 20-37. XI. A Convert and His Money—Resti­ tution; and distribution:—Luke 19:1-10. XII. Drowned in Perdition (1 Tim. 6:9) —The clog of money.—Mark 10:17-31. A miner returning from the gold-diggings in Australia, bound his belt of nuggets round his waist, leaped from the sinking ship into the sen, and sank with the weight of the metal.

Lessons of the Third Quarter LESSON I.—July 5. — T he L aborers I n tiie V ineyard .— Matt. 20:1-16. ~ G olden T e x t : He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. —Matt. 5 :45. I. T he L esson S etting . and warns against the motives and spirit which may depreciate service.

There should have been no chapter di­ vision here. This lesson is the climax of the preceding incidents. Failure to recog­ nize this has led to much confusion in in­ terpretation. We- have: 1. The Rich Man’s Refusal. That he wopld not forsake present pleasure for fu­ ture treasure led to— 2. PetePs Question, “Lord, we have left all—what shall we have therefore?” and— 3. Jesus' Answer, “Ye which have fol­ lowed me (to the end)fe-shall sit,” etc. “ But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” This (v. 30) and 20:16, are the frame-work of the parable which illustrates how the first may be last,

II. T he P arable 1.

Hiring the Laborers. “ The kingdom of heaven is like” equals: There- are prin­ ciples and processes relating to the un­ foldings of the kingdom, that are illustrated as follows: V. 1. The Householder. That the “ man” who owned the vineyard and hired the laborers is the Lord is clear from many Scriptures and the necessities of the case (Isa. 5:1-7). “Early in the morning.” There is much to be done in the vineyard of the Lord (John 4:35; Matt. 9:37, 38), and the day is short (John 9 :4 ; Jer. 8:20).

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