King's Business - 1914-06



too thronged, too set upon His journey. They said, “ Be quiet.” Jesus said, “ Call him.” The Lord’s thoughts are often quite opposite to ours. Be sure the whole world, which is not worth a soul (Mark 8:36) can and will wait while He saves one. 2. A Better Word. Not “ hold thy peace,” but "Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.” Yes, “ The Master 'is standing and calleth for thee” (John 11:28). That is the message with which to stop a beggar’s mouth. “ Be of good comfort.” They knew well that Jesus’ call was a cure—to Him that heeds it. 3. The Eager Response. “ Casting away his garments.” ‘ Anything, everything that clogs or hinders approach to the Lord must be cast aside, will be cast aside by souls in earnest, especially those “ filthy rags,” our righteousnesses (Isa. 64 : 6 ). 4. Jesus’ Demand. “ What wilt thou?” Did he not know? Certainly it did not take a God to see that. But, He “will be inquired, of to do it’’ (Eze. 36:37). He will have not a general plea for mercy, but a detailed confession of blindness and need. And to this question we owe this apt prayer also, “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” Amen. 5. The Cure. "Go thy way.” That is, “ Be it as you will.” He had always been led in the way before, now he goes his way. “ The eyes of the blind shall be open­ ed.” No more a beggar but a “ son of light”—how glorious! “ They faith hath saved thee.” The Lord honors faith, and will give it its place. “ Faith” not of itself, but of the Saviour. H e saves. Faith is faith in Him, in His being, pdwer, willing­ ness and in actual appropriation of Him. “Immediately he received his sight.” It was not a new thing with the Lord. He had said, “Let there be light” and “ there was light.” “And followed Jesus in the way” and no doubt all the way; saw Him crucified, and saw Him risen, and sees His face now. Happy beggar. Apply to this same Almoner. He, is passing by. Luke adds (18:43), “ And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise unto God.”

4. His Perseverance. There is always opposition within and without when a soul is in earnest after salvation. There will be voices saying, “ Keep quiet.” “ It is no use. to pray.” “ You’re too blind to be cured.” Or they will send you to some other “healer,” But one who.knows and feels his blindness and. its hopelessness; who has heard of Jesus, knows that there is “no other name” than Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 4:12). "H e cried the moré a great deal, Thou Son of David., have mercy on me.’’ This was great faith, it was to own that Jesus was indeed the Christ, the Son of David, which’ the multitude did not or would net see, and forbade him to confess. But it is the faith that saves us all. Now, it is not necessary to call and call, “Have mercy on me!" We need not call at all; “only believe,” He has had mercy already. I heard a young man cry over and over and over “at the altar.” “O God have mercy on fne!” After a time a dear old brother clapped him on the shoulder and said, “Well, young man, do you feel any bet­ ter ?” Without ceasing his outcries the “ séeker” shook his head. The old man said, as he paced away, “ This is a religion that must be felt.” I asked the youth if he thought God would be any more ready to save if he agonized thus all night;.and showed him that the work was done, and that: the Lord would rather see him re­ joicing than crying for mercy. But, if one will not believe, let him cry on till he finds mercy, I’ll be the last to say, “Hold your peace.” III. J esus G ives the M ebcies of D avid . 1. Colling the Blind Man. Jesus “ stood still.” He’d have made the sun stand still to light the groping beggar if need be. Jesus never rebukes an outcrying soul. He’d stop the procession, postpone His journey, anything—it is His chosen business to give help to poor beggars. “ Commanded him to be called.” Eveh “the disciples” may have joined in deterring the man, as they did the mothers with their children. They may have told him that the Master was

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