King's Business - 1914-06

341 Christ. ' The church is slow to learn the A, B, C of the Christian life. He whose name is above every narne has for His name, Servant of men. Would we be like Him, let us follqw His example. As a servant He lived, going about doing good. As a servant He died, giving His life a ransom for many. As a. servant He is pictured in the next world, girding. Hjmself with an apron and .serving. If any man seeks to be more than that let him. seek some other sphere, for it cannot .he found.that a man shall have a great' place in God’s kingdom who has not filled a servanfs place m this world,; The ruling principle of Spiritual se­ lection in the kingdom o f God is to take and keep a servant’s place. Lesson III—July 19, 1914. Golden Text.—Isaiah 35:5-6. “The eyes of the blind shall be opened” : The promise of the; prophet concerning the Messiah was being fulfilled day by day. The blind weçe seeing; the deaf were hear­ ing, the dumb were speaking, the lame were leaping. What wonders were wrought by this Master o f men ! He worked in the open. He did his miracles in the press of multitudes.' Wherever Tie went he found the patients waiting for the great Physi­ cian. The scene o f our lesson is at Jericho, where the shout of faith shattered the walls and brought victory' to the children of Is­ rael, And now there is another cry strug­ gling and pushing its way through the ob­ stacles and discouragements that hinder. It is the prayer of persistent faith and it reached the ears that are always open and heart that always responds. The Physician spake and immediately it was doné. The glories o f this beautiful world o f nature broke in upon the astonished soul of the blind man. He saw the awe-stricken multi­ tude, the joyful disciples, but far more won­ derful than all, he saw thé face o f the Lord. Hie looked into those soul-sèàrching eyes and his heart was wort. Out ò f darkness into light. •Out o f the kingdom o f Satan


12: 6 . Conditions under which men labor are different. The mother in the home. The martyr at the stake. Paul on the long stretch abroad the Dorcas in Joppa. Some in the morning, others in the heat of the day, but all laboring in the vineyard and all to bear fruit. Motive in service enters into the reward; Some bargained; some trusted. He deals justly with some and generously with others. Get to work. Do your best. Leave all else with the honest Householder. Lesson II—-July 12, 1914. Golden Text.—Mark 10:45. "The Son of man also came,:not to be ministered unto, but to minister.’’ The disciples could not understand the Lord Jesus. They were living upon'inti­ mate social terms with Him—eating, drink­ ing and sleeping. They were sitting at His feet in the daily class. They saw His mir­ acles, observed His prayer life. They knew Him as the meek and lowly Christ and yet their heatts.wereifilled with unholy ambi­ tion. His face was toward; the cross i«fnd His thoughts were concerning the sacrifice in their behalf.' While His soul was bur­ dened with the purpose of ministering for them, through the depth of sorrow and suf­ fering, James and John were occupied with plans for the highest place in the kingdom. “ The flesh ever seeks to be glorified before it is crucified, exalted before it is" abased,” but spiritual preferment has hot satisfied them. They aspire to be His chief advisers and leaders. They had been singled out for a special place in spiritual fellowship with their Lord in the house of Jairus and upon the Mount of Transfiguration. “ The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.” The desire for place 'and promi­ nence is5natural to US all; we cannot be­ lieve that the position of honor* is by the way of humiliation. The place Upon the right hand and the left is prepared and only those prepared for it can Sit there. How out of place, would a man be whp sought such a place! Think o f a self-seeker sit­ ting alongside of the self-surrendered

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