The Key to the Scriptures, and the Solution of All Our Political and Social Problems or The Golden Age that is Soon Coming to the Earth
By R. A. TORREY, D. D. Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles
The Second Coming of the Lord is most ably presented by Dr. Torrey as the most precious truth the Bible contains— the safeguard against all current heresies, errors and false hoods—the believer’s hope and joy.
The following excerpts from press notices indicate how the book is being re ceived:
sure to be widely read, as it deserves to be.” —The Life of Faith, London. “If our readers desire a concise find yet comprehensive treatise to put into the hands of an inquirer, this is the one by all means. It treats of the importance of our Lord’s coming again, its certainty, the manner of it, the results, the time, and our attitude with reference to it. It also gives a collation of Scripture passages on the second coming of Christ for individual study. We urge the study of this subject upon all our Christian brethren, both ministers and laymen, sug gesting that they could not get a better text book with which to begin the study than this of Dr. Torrey.”—Christian Workers' Maga zine, Chicago. “ This . great, evangelist, Bible teacher, scholar and author has put his whole heart into this little work. He mentions as one of the four great religious experiences of his life his realization of the Bible doctrine of Christ’s Second Coming. He says: Tt trans formed my whole idea of life, it broke the power of the world and its ambition over me, and filled my life with the most radiant op timism even under the most discouraging cir cumstances. He is absolutely true to the Scriptures and quotes both the Old Testa ment and the New Testament very freely. It is a most heartening little volume, published in good type and on splendid paper, and at the small price should have a large circula tion. It is true to the Scriptures and loyal to the Lord and will strengthen the faith, brighte nthe hope, quicken the zeal and purify the life of any true child of God wh reads it.' ”—The Western Recorder, Louisville.
“Like all of Dr. Torrey's books this book is written with absolute clarity and is free from passion.”—The Pacific Presbyterian. “ The book is no exception to the author's other writings in its clear, clean-cut state ments of God's truth.”—Christian Herald of London. “Dr. Torrey offers this as ‘the key to the Scriptures.’ He finds the second coming of Christ mentioned -318 times in the 260 chap ters of the New Testament, and he considers it ‘the most precious truth the Bible con tains.’ ” “ Dr. Torrey is vigorous in his style, and his appeal is wholly to the Scriptures. This book gives a concise and reliable statement of the pre-millennarian view . by one who holds it firmly and intelligently.”—The Pres byterian, Philadelphia. “For a comparatively small book it is ex ceedingly exhaustive on the glorious theme all Christians should have so much at heart. Tt could not be simpler, and, for clear Scrip ture teaching, it is a book after our own heart.”—The Morning Star, London. “Dr. Torrey writes in the earnestness and simplicity of a profound Christian faith. He believes the Scriptures and takes God at His word. Jesus is to come again. This is his assurance, and the theme of this volume, which is full of the Scriptures.” “ The able treatment of this important sub ject which is given in these pages will, we are sure, be appreciated by many who love to think of Christ’s reappearing, and who regard it as the only remedy for the present condition of the world. Dr. Torrey's book is
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