King's Business - 1914-06



joice, and your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22). Jesus is coming. Com­ ing back to our earth. There can be no good time if it causes us to miss that good time (Rev. 21:3-5; 22:1-7). Sunday, July 19—Matthew 20:25-28 What It Means to Be a Christian Endeavorer 1. It Means First that You Are a Chris­ tian. What is a Christian? (read Acts 11: 26>. Who were these disciples called Chris­ tians? Such as:' (1) "believed" v. 21 (that Jesus saved them). (2 ) “Turned to the Lordjjj’Jv. 21 ( “believed,” and “ turned” from their old selves and ways to follow Jesus). (3) Such as showed “the grace of God,” v. 23 (they lived like Christians. Barnabus could see that they did not only say they believed but they really turned). They clave, i. e. held fast with their hearts with full “purpose” of heart; not like some Endeavorers who take the pledge without purpose. (4) They were “ disciples,” that is scholars, learners and followers of Jesus. Do not imagine one can be an Endeavorer who is not a believing, turned, open, and holding-fast Christian. How about your­ self? 2. What is an Endeavorer? There- Is difference between an Endeavorer and a Christian. Every true Christian will be an endeavorer, but not every.endeavorer, nor Endeavorer is a Christian. In either case one must be a Christian in heart before he can be a Christian in endeavor. . , (1) A Christian Endeavorer will try honestly to keep his pledge. (2) Will pray the Lord for grace to do His will (John 15:5-7). And (3 ) will read His Word for light to know His will (2 Tim. 2:15; 3: 14-17). (4) Will behave, lovingly toward .others (Eph. .5:2).. (5)- Will, lend a hand (Gal. 6:2 ), ( 6 ) Will give to help every good work (2. Cor. 9:6-8). (7) Will ob­ serve the triangle pf service of Romans 12 : 11 , “ not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Cord.”

ing Jesus we take peace (Eph. 2:14). Walk­ ing with Jesus we. keep the peace (Col. 3:15).

Sunday, July 12—John 16:22 Good Times That Count

1. God Wants Us to Have Good Times. He has made the skies,) the fields,» and mountains ; the flowers, the trees that “clap their hands;” the birds, and beasts; all so bright, so cheery, or sportive, that every­ thing, -especially the young, animals and children, seem to say to us, “Among all this plenty, beauty and gladness have a good time.” “It was that we should be happy Gave He His only Son,“ the poet tells us, and Paul makes God’s will known when he writes, “ Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say, rejoice” (Phil. 4:4 ). Perhaps the boys and girls have not noticed how much Jesus wished that we might have good times (John 15:11; 16:20, 21, 22, 24; 17:13). 2. Good Times. There are good times' and “good times.” Good times and what some call “ good times,” which are not so. Only good folk can have good times. The prodigal thought he had good times (Luke 15:12-16). What do you think? 3. Good Times that Count. These are times spent in doing good. That is a good time that gives a good time. Make others happy and you will be happy. Do not say, Trn going to have,” but “ I’m going to give a good time.” That is what counts, it “blesses him that gives and him that takes.” It counts twice as much, at least. You will get a good time giving a good time, and the other will have a good time, too. A good time all to yourself would not count. Times that count are those, that count for eternity. Paul describes how to, have a good time (2 Cor. 6:1, 3-10) so that the end time will begin the endless good time (2 Tim. 4:6-8). 4. A Good Time Coming. Jesus said, “ I will see you again, and your heart shall re­

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