King's Business - 1914-06

At Home and Abroad

acceptable to the Chinese or Japanese minds. They find more in Confucianism or Buddhism than in this teaching. But tell the heathen Chinese that you believe in good works, and- that you do not accept the in­ feriority of women, and he then listens to yon .”—President Elliot, Unitarian. “A t a recent meeting of the governing body of. the mission we had before, us fifty urgent claims for teachers for important places where there were already consider­ able congregations, and our supply for the year from our training institutions was only fifteen ! Give us sufficient missionaries, help us to trairi sufficient teachers, and we may be able .so to seize.the opportunity thât a strong and living Church may be the out­ come—and this will affect the whole of West Africa.”— C. M. Rev. T he I ndian W itness , of Calcutta, asserts that 15,000,000 low caste ■people of India are only waiting the invitation to be baptized and enrolled. In the immediate neighbor­ hood of Delhi, the scene of the late Dur­ bar, 350,000 are said to be ready. It is as of old that the poor and outcast are the more promising field for the evangelist. Many of these low caste candidates are seeking rather to better their condition in this world by the movement, but a vast multitude aspire to things not “under the >j -- -- sun. F rom 10,000 to 15,000 patients a month crowd the Presbyterian hospital at Chai Ryung, Korea, where there is but one American doctor, Dr. Whiting, with two Korean assistants. This medical work started five or six years ago in native Korean houses where for a long time the only operating room was the mud floor of the house. The clinic each morning is opened by a prayer service. Dr. Whiting’s skill is attested by a large lacquered sign given by a grateful Chinaman who had been seriously stabbed by robbers.

“W here little girls are saved for time and eternity. Teaching the girls at Mukti, the Christian school of Pundita Ramabai”— The suggestive title of a picture in the Miss. Rev. April. S inging the Lord’s 'song. “ A few years ago not a song was to be heard in the re­ gion (Vicarabad, India), now on the road and at work, everywhere you hear them singing the praises of God.” K indling the fire . The missionary pe­ riodicals. ■of today are full of fagots for kindling the fires of evangelistic zeal. Facts are fagots. How any Christian can even skim their pages and not be set on fire for the illumination of the dark.places of the earth it is hard to imagine. Do you take a missionary magazine? Do you read it? Two hundred mayors and heads of vil­ lages met, in India, with their wives and children, for a two-weeks’, course of in­ struction in Christian doctrine, and in ways' and means of making the functions of their office more effectual for the Christian faith and practice among their people. An ob­ ject lesson for the political heads of Chris­ tendom. O ne of the questions asked by the college students during a “question box” at a re­ cent Student Volunteer conference was this: “ Is there a place on the mission field for a man who does, not hold the orthodox be­ liefs?” The missionary who answered spoke with deep earnestness out of his experience in facing heathenism: “For a man who does not know the Son of God .as Saviour from sin to try to meet sin in India or China is worse than hopeless.” “You cannot go to the Chinese or Jap­ anese with your doctrines that are mere traditions. Take the doctrine o f justifica­ tion by faith, or the atonement, or the doc­ trine of the Trinity, etc. These are not

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