King's Business - 1914-06



persons and whirled, away in an automobile. The police not’ only made no effort to pro­ tect him, but refused to promise protection to any church in which he might be an­ nounced to speak. All of which helps Amer­ icans to understand, why the men of Ulster have (bought 110,000 rifles. T he success, of the campaign for larger assistance for China in one department ot the church is shown in the report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of Philadelphia recently issued. The books show an increase in gifts, to the regular work over last year of $182,000. The re­ ceipts in 1913 for the‘ China fund, in addi­ tion to the regular contributions, were $64.- 244. It was .the aim of the society to ob­ tain $ 100,000 and ten young women in three years. At the end of two years the society has cash and pledges of over $ 100,000 and seven young women are actually on the China field. M r . J. L. H art translates for the Foreign Mission Journal a flyer which has been dis­ tributed widely in his section of Brazil by Catholic priests. It is in the form of a time­ table “ starting from the station of the sects and of the Perdition (i. e., Salvation) Army.” It reads : NOTICE. 1. The train starts early every day and at all "hours. 2. There are only three stations—unbelief, impiety, and hell. 3. Tickets in the form, of Bibles,' tracts, coupons with or without bread and meat, are given in all the above mentioned offices with the privilege of going to the end of the line. I n the mountain regions of Albania dev­ astated by Servian and Montenegrin troops last October, ten months after the close of the Balkan war, men, women and children are dying of. starvation at the rate of 100 a day. Thirty thousand will die of hunger before next harvest. More than. 125,000 are homeless, and in need of food, clothing and shelter.

“ T he W orld ’ s G reatest R omance today is the ‘silent, ignored, and profoundly sol­ emn’ movement of the 300,000,000 people of India ‘out of immemorial sleep, and, turn­ ing th.eir backs on an immemorial past, to­ ward the mental frontiers of Europe,’ and toward thé comparatively modern religion of Jesus Christ. And when once this ‘most religious people of the world’ have accepted Christianity, there will grow on Asian soil, so Mr. Harold Begbie believes, ‘perhaps the deepest, most tender, most spiritual form of Christianity known among men.’ ” I n Waynesboro, Penn., recently, hundreds of business men marched through the streets behind the city hand to ■attend a nfeeting of the Biederwolf five wèeks’ evan­ gelistic Campaign. Every business house was clo,sed, and in the windows were placed cards reading, “This store will be closed Thursday afternoon on account of the busi­ ness men’s meeting in the tabernacle.” Dur­ ing the campaign about three thousand per- ■sons decided for Christ, and many hundreds pledged themselves to read the Bible or to engage in definite Christian work. I t is difficult to escape the feeling that the Church is merely playing with its task. As long as but one out of every three per­ sons in America has any sort of connection with the church, and as long as America spends annually $ 2 , 000 , 000,000 for intoxicat­ ing liquors,. $ 1 , 200 , 000,000 for tobacco, $800,- 000,000 for jewelry, $500,000,000 for auto­ mobiles', $ 200 , 000,000 for candy, $ 120 , 000,000 for soft drinks, $90,000,000 for millinery, and $80,000,000 for patent medicines and gives $16,000,000 to Foreign Missions; the aggressiveness of the Church is not ap­ parent. .R ev . O tis L. S purgeon , a Baptist minister from Des Moines, la., was delivering a series of lectures in Denver upon the teach­ ings ■and practices of the Roman Catholic Church in America. He was attacked in his hotel the night before, dragged from his room, beaten insensible by a mob of 100

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