Horsley Brothers - The Future Generation Annual Sale [2/1/25]

HB Growth Fund 2044

HB Growth Fund 2044 has done the best job siring calves than any bull we have used in years. HB Growth Fund 2044 was sold in our 2023 to Jesse Kohl. I told everyone that day when we sold this bull, I was going to use him hard in our herd and I did. 2044 has flat outperformed himself compared to all the other stud bulls we used. This will be the only offering of these ever. HB 2044 died this past spring at Jesse’s and there is hardly any semen available. So, if you want one of these great sons, you better bid high, because this is the one and only chance you will get.


HB GROWTH FUND 2044-4024 ANGUS BULL AAA: 21061634 TAG: 4024 DOB: 2/12/24 ACT. BW 98 ADJ. WW 764


HB GROWTH FUND 2044 Deer Valley Growth Fund HB Diamond 526

HB Growth Fund 2044-4024 is one high performing bull. He ranks in the top 3 percent for weaning weight and yearling weight. Top 4 percent for mature weight and mature height. He is one outstanding bull that not only will perform, but puts it in a sound structure, high quality package, that will make you sell cattle very easy in life. Do not second guess on this bull. He grows on me everyday. $M $W $G $B $C -2 +4.4 +93 +164 +.95 +23 +11 +.44 +.67 +33 +68 +43 +156 +235 CED BW WW YW SC MILK DOC MARB RE

HB MISS MONEY 864 HB Guyman 485 HB Miss Money 411



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