
16C — May 15 - 28, 2015 — NJAA CONFERENCE & EXPO — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


2015 NJAA C onference & E xpo Assured Environments Facility managers, is your building prepared for an emergency?

acility emergencies can threaten the integrity of your building and the well-being of employees, customers and general occu- pants. Common emergencies include floods, tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, large chemi- cal spills, explosions and workplace violence. Facility managers should always have an aggressive emergency plan established that adequately addresses these catastrophes (where applicable). Ensuring a facility is in compliance with OSHA standards regard- ing emergency evacuation F

procedures is also critical to maintaining the operations of any U.S. facility. 10 Important Points to Consider When Develop- ing an Emergency Plan 1. Manufacturing facil- ity managers should have procedures outlined for em- ployees who are specifically designated to remain and perform shutdown operations critical to the safety of plant operations. 2. Include the presence of qualified first aid personnel in any emergency plan. 3. Assign an assembly loca-

tion where employees are to go upon hearing the evacua- tion alarm. 4. Alarms need to be loud, distinct and recognizable by building occupants, prefer- ably accompanied by flash- ing red lights to enhance the warning and ensure any disabled individuals are made aware of the emergency. 5. Facility managers should consider having an auxiliary power source available in case electricity is shut off before alarms can be triggered. 6. Never rely on just one evacuation route. Always have primary and secondary escape routes open and ready for all emergency situations. 7. Conduct emergency drills twice a year and review emer- gency procedures after the drill to confirm everyone understands exactly where to go and what to do when an emergency occurs. 8. For facilities in earth- quake-prone regions (the west and west coast of the U.S., in particular), OSHA designates “nonstructural seismic weaknesses” as po- tentially dangerous items that have not been braced, anchored or secured in some way to avoid causing human and property loss during a significant earthquake. 9. The number and type of fire extinguishers that facili- ties need to remain compliant with local, state and federal safety codes depends on the facility’s square footage and the “predefined” hazardous rating given to the building by inspectors or fire code marshals. 10. Documentation detail- ing the location of emergency equipment (fire hoses, fire extinguishers, panic alarms, personal protective equip- ment, emergency communica- tion devices, etc.) should be displayed in well-lit, accessi- ble areas of relevant facilities, such as industrial/chemical plants and laboratories. With over 80 years helping facilities remain pest free, Assured Environments has built a close relationship with facility managers across the tri-state area. Call us today on (888) 862-2580 to find out how we can put in place a pest-prevention plan to en- sure your facility does not fall victim to bed bugs, or a rodent infestation that threatens to disrupt normal operations. n


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