July 2023 - Proaudio Newsletter - Sound Press

6- Have heroes. Heroes aren’t just for kids. We all need people we look up to, people who inspire us when we feel like the world gets a little too much. 7- Take a stand. Don’t be afraid to go against the tide. It is so important in life to educate yourself and make up your own mind rather than following the crowd. 8- Manage your emotions. The more intense our emotional state, the less clearly we are able to think and therefore we struggle to communicate clearly. You have the power to manage your emotional state and doing so is key to a successful life. 9- Be willing to die for your cause. Be so passionate that you would literally die before you quit. 10- Speak with conviction. Trust that what you have to say is valuable to the world. You are a powerful being, and you have a right to be heard. Speak your truth, no matter how quietly.

sound press July 2023 |

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