NSLHD News August 30

Child Youth and family services team development day The Child, Youth and Family Health team Development Day was held attendance. asking the question, how does that translate into my practice?”

North Shore Child, Youth and Family Community Health Service manager Kim Lyle said the aim of the day was to encourage a service-wide approach to child and family care planning, focussed on early intervention, partnering with families and young people to promote healthy brain development and wellbeing. “The vibe in the room was incredibly positive – people were really engaged and having clients involved in the conversation really hit home with many of our staff,” she said. “Their lived experience and expectations had staff in the room

on August 14. The day was the beginning of a planning process, bringing together Child, Youth and Family and partner Local Health District (LHD) services to develop better ways to achieve the NSW goal of: Promoting healthy, happy and safe environments to support children, young people and families to reach their full potential. Consumers, representatives from all Child Youth and Family Health services, Maternity, Child Youth Mental Health services (CYMHS), Multicultural Health, PACH executives and Substance use in Pregnancy and Parenting Services (SUPPS) clinicians were in

The day focused on developing connected client care pathways, focused on the needs of vulnerable children and families. “Our aim is to connect all our services and have an interdisciplinary approach to care,” said Kim. The results of the planning day, particularly the development of child and family, as well as young person client journeys, will form the foundation for the next stage in the planning process which is scheduled for the latter part of 2019. 1000 RNSH Staff complete speaking up for safety training The Speaking Up For Safety initiative is in full swing with more than 1000 staff trained to date. Speaking Up For Safety is a fantastic initiative to empower all staff, both clinical and non clinical, to respect and support each other to ‘speak up’ about safety and quality at any time. For more information visit the intranet page: http://intranet. nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/Safety/ Pages/default.aspx

RNSH’s general manager Alison Zecchin, NSLHD CE Deb Willcox, clinical nurse consultant Rebecca Fox and patient Safety manager Virginia Armour in RNSH’s main foyer speaking the word about Speaking Up For Safety.


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