LE Group An Introduction


Our expert surveyors can conduct comprehensive, non-destructive fire compartmentation surveys and deliver detailed reports on the condition of walls and floors, roof voids, wall voids, risers and shafts, floor voids and basements.

What is included?

• An assessment of the compartmentation strategy for the premises, or defining the compartmentation strategy if not known • A comprehensive visual inspection of the existing provisions including fire compartmentation in roof voids, fire doors, floors, walls, basements, floor and ceiling voids, risers and shafts where present. • An assessment of the condition of fire doors and compartmentation and subsequent defects in accordance with Building Regulation guidance, relevant British Standards, and any site-specific fire strategy information made available. • A clear action plan which outlines locations of defects, photographic evidence, and suggested remedial actions to be taken. We have significantly developed the technology we use to carry out fire safety compartmentation services to improve the outputs for our customers. Using a tablet device, our software application enables our surveyors to upload your building floor plans (if available). The plans are used to describe the compartmentation strategy, the location of each fire door, and any identified compartmentation issue/breach. Each issue is given a unique ID number on the drawing which corresponds with the digital survey report. The report will outline the existing condition and adequacy of the fire compartmentation measures, and where necessary recommend improvements that should be undertaken in order to make your buildings compliant with statutory requirements and best practice guidance, or to meet a specific business resilience objective.

Our compartmentation survey outputs comprise:

• annotated plans of each floor of your building showing the lines of compartmentation • details of each compartmentation breach, hole, and imperfection identified with suggested repair detail. • a thorough review of all elements of each fire door and remedial actions described using the BM TRADA Accepted Repair Techniques • actual or expected damper locations. • any obvious fire hazards or risks

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