KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

homes, hospitals and jails which are filled with people who could be visited and testified to with the Gospel. Such a program of out­ reach might be far more helpful to young people than trying to get them interested in other non-spir- itually related activities. Certainly, during the appointed hours for Sunday school and church wor­ ship, no one should be out playing during these times. This is for his own good, as well as for his testi­ mony before others. Q. San Francisco, Calif. "What is your opinion of the Jerusalem Bible Translation?" A. It is to be preferred over some of the other translations of today such as the New English Bible. In many areas it does a fine work of presenting true-to-the-original in­ terpretations. It was prepared by a group of Catholic scholars from various parts of the world. Some feel its weaknesses include a ten­ dency to transpose portions of a Scripture, relocating certain pas­ sages. This is not an acceptable practice. Also, a translation should not be a commentary, as this has done in a number of places. Gen­ erally, it is very reverent and could be used for comparative study. Having said this, we believe the best we have available for refer- nce, reading and peraching is still the King James Version. Q. Albuquerque, New Mex. "What is your impression of 'Good News for Modern Man'?" A. This is not a translation but rath­ er is a paraphrase. Keep in mind the distinction which is in view. The former traces the original lan­ guages while the latter is the im-

ing the reign of the king, was it that Nebuchadnezzar came to be- seige Jerusalem? Daniel says that it was the third year while the oth­ er two passages tell us it was in the fourth year. The basis must be determined by the time that the king actually ascended to the throne. The Judean way of deter­ mination was that any part of a year constituted an entire year. (The same is true for us with Inter­ nal Revenue Service. If a child is born even on the 31st of Decem­ ber the parents get the entire year reckoned on thir taxes.) The Baby­ lonian computations were just the opposite. It was the first full year after going to the throne. In other words, our usage today would be the calendar or the fiscal year's reckoning. Both of these accounts are therefore correct. Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. "Should any work or play be done on the Lord's day? A church, after the evening service, has the young people playing ball. They also al­ low them to wash cars for money on Sunday. How should we look upon such activities?" A. Quite a few of our ideas and convictions are based upon the way in which we were brought up. Many of us can be thankful for the rather strict guidelines and direc­ tions which we experienced. Such times of spiritual molding can be most meaningful when exerted in a spirit of Christian love and obe­ dience. Basically, these matters are of one's own convictions. The church should encourage young and old alike to spend time with the Word and in things which would bring glory to Him. There are many rest

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