KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

President Chase addressing the student body during Convocation.

is not the old nature that's patched up! The old nature is still just as wicked and sinful as before. It is the new creation that we read about in these two verses. The new nature, born of the Holy Spir­ it, cannot commit sin because it comes from Cod. When we sin, it is the old nature that does the iniquity. The man of the world has only the old nature, while the Christian has the two. The new na­ ture will live throughout all eter­ nity. Someday, we will be done with the old when we meet the Lord either in death or at the Rap- Page 16

ture. This is why we need to realize the conflict of which Paul speaks in Romans 7 between the two na­ tures. Q. Lapeer, Mich. "What type of baptism is spoken of in John 3:22? Were the people whom John bap­ tized in Matthew 3:11 saved? If not, what was the purpose of this baptism?" A. They were baptized for the re­ mission of their sins as these were confessed before God. The Lord Jesus had not yet appeared on earth when John the Baptist came

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