KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

time. It was always, "Not my will, but Thine be done." You and I can never understand just what was contained in the full measure of that cup containing the wrath of God in judgment upon the sins of all mankind. We cannot con­ ceive of the meaning of the sepa­ ration of God the Father from God the Son during this moment of sacrifice for man's salvation. Q. Soquel, Calif. "If the dead in Christ are caught up in the first resurrection, and the unrighteous in the last resurrection, one thou­ sand years later, when will those who have given their lives during the Tribulation be resurrected?" A. The answer to your question is found in Revelation 20:4. The first resurrection has certain stages. The first is past with the resurrection of our Saviour. Then, there will be the Rapture when those who have both died and are alive in Him will be taken to glory. (I Thessalon- ians 4:13-18). Then, Old Testament saints, Daniel 12:1-3, and also the Tribulation martyrs are resurrected before the Millennium. In this man­ ner, before the 1000 years of reign on this earth, all the children of God from all the ages are going to be resurrected and complete in Him.

Many Bible teachers today do teach the subject of fasting. There is more Scripture, interestingly enough, on how fasting was mis­ used than there is on how we should do it. It has been much abused. Fasting is not meritorious. If the praying is more important than the taking of food, then by all means fast. But do not think there­ by that God has to do something because He has seen you fast. God does things in His infinite will on the basis of the merit and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not try to make fasting legal or binding on someone else. It is not in any sense obligatory. Do not get super-pious about it, telling others of your greatness and sacrifice. That is not the purpose of fasting at all. Q. Glendale, Calif. " I was told that Jesus was bearing our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was praying in agony, and that God the Father forsook His Son in that moment. Would you interpret the Scriptures this way?" A. Absolutely not! It is only in the shedding of blood that there is re­ mission for sins. The Father did not forsake Him. He was praying there in fellowship with God at that

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