KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

B y R E V . S I D N E Y L A N G F O R D

crowd of people sheltered under the few shade trees that remained. They seemed in a state of shock, bewildered at the turn of events, not knowing what to do next. There was anger for those now unknown who might have been responsible for the catastrophe. We see an interesting picture of a similar tragedy in Joel's day (Joel 1:1-10). If the worms spoil every­ thing, the locusts would ruin what was left. The harvest of the field was so completely wasted that the people would howl and wail. The Spirit of God spoke through Joel and properly placed blame on Israel with the responsibility of a "lost harvest." The problem was the sin of disobedience. It had lead to a turning away from God. Judg­ ment was meted out on the fruit of their fields (vs. 11). Israel was known as God's earthly people. Her blessings thereby were to be earthly. The barrenness of the Jew­ ish crops were a barometer reg­ istering their spiritual condition down throughout the ages. Page 19

In Jeremiah 8:20-22 we find that the prophet was crushed and as­ tonished because of the very bar­ renness and fruitlessness both of the lives and the land of the chil­ dren of Judah. The people were afar off from God and under His judgment. Jeremiah's heart was broken over a "lost harvest." It was a burning hot day in the latter part of January. The very heighth of the dry season had hit the southern part of the Sudan. Nearly all of the rivers were dried up since there had not been any rain for nearly three months. Fires had charred most of the prairie bush land. Sometimes back fires were lit by the Africans to protect themselves from other conflagra­ tions that might get started. By accident one of these fires swept into a large village. In desperation the people tried unsuccessfully to save their homes. Yet everyone of their huts and graineries were burned to the ground. More than 500 people lost everything of their meager earthly possessions. It was pathetic to see this large

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