KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

cells. Each Christian was given a sheet on which to put the names of those who did not know Christ. They were to pray for them that they might come to the Saviour. Two counseling classes were be­ gun. Village evangelism and per­ sonal work were underscored. Then special evangelistic missions were conducted. They went from hut-to-hut and person-to-person giving out the Good News. Over a period of months, there were some 20,000 decisions for Christ. After that teams of evangelists went out to strategic areas. They sought to reach people in larger towns. This ministry yielded 10,000 decisions for the Lord. This all took

do the needs of the lost multitudes affect us? May we so dedicate our­ selves to the Lord that we might personally become involved in the Great Commission, saying with the prophet of old, “ I (emphatically /), go mourning." The Epoch of Opportunity We are all aware of what tran­ spired in the Congo during the 1964-65 communistically-inspired rebellions. This necessitated the evacuation of 145 of our mission­ aries. When the government forces recaptured certain areas of the northeastern section some of them were permitted to return. Today the Africa Inland Mission has more than 100 ambassadors of Christ serving there in the Congo. Cod has blessed abundantly in giving a tremendous response to the mes­ sage of Christ. The problem is that many of these who went back are now due furlough. There is a des­ perate need for personnel, for as our field director has pointed out, "We are living in an epoch of op­ portunity." Our supreme purpose for being in Africa down through the years has been to proclaim the Gospel, plant churches, and train Africans to carry the full responsibility for evangelizing their people. A year or so before the wars in the Congo, Rev. Austin Paul, a veteran mis­ sionary now home with the Lord, was the leader of a special evan­ gelistic thrust there. He guided what was called an "Evangelism for ALL Campaign." Every church member was urged to be involved in the outreach. Special prayer preparation was the starting foun­ dation. God blessed in the estab­ lishing of more than 1000 prayer Page 22

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