KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

the use of Scripture. Christ, through His victories, reminds us that Cod is to be trusted, not tested. His love and grace for us have been proven without fail throughout all our days. One of the most blessed truths of this section is to note that when the devil left Him, angels came and ministered unto Him. Have you ever had that happen in your life? It is the most blessed experience, and it can be yours, as it was with our Saviour, when you allow Christ, rather than the devil, to have the supremacy in your life and experi­ ence day-by-day. Satan Attacks the Lord Jesus Despite all of his attempts, the devil has never been able to im­ pede the purposes of God. The Gospels give us an excellent pic­ ture of what happened during our Lord's earthly ministry as the devil endeavored to do away with Him before He could reach Golgotha. In John 10:30-39, there is the testimony of Christ concerning the fact that He is very God. Because of this the Jews sought to kill Him. As He reasoned with them their darkened hearts became the more infuriated. They sought to capture Him. In God's protecting provi­ dence He escaped from their hands. This time Satan tried to use an angry mob in order to do away with the Lord of Glory before His appointed time. The people were self-styled pi­ ous religionists who could only see things in the light of their own warped views. They were not in­ terested in knowing the truth. They could not reckon the beneficient acts of Christ as meaningful but only wanted to judge Him for the

words which He had spoken. They felt that the law then gave them the privilege, without any further hearings, to kill Him by stoning. The miracles of Christ had been wrought through the power of God. Although His answers to their charges of blasphemy could not be disputed, it made them all the more wroth. In agitation they tried to slay Him at that moment. The Lord delivered Him out of their hands to prevent an early execu­ tion before the Cross. In Luke 4:14-32 we hear Christ reminding the people that the Scripture which they were reading in the synagogue had been ful­ filled in their very day through His coming. He testified that He was the sent-One of the Father. The people again were angered by the application of these Scriptures to Himself. They would not accept and believe what He had been say­ ing. They rose up and thrust Him out of the city. He was taken to the brow of a hill where they purposed to “ cast Him down headlong.'' (This place is known today as the Mount of Precipita­ tion.) Jesus, according to Scripture, passed through them, and was again delivered through the power of the Lord. In Mark 4:35-41 Christ is out in a boat on the sea. He had just completed a ministry among the people and, with His disciples, went out on the lake for a rest. While He was sleeping a storm arose. Those who were with Him were frightened for their lives. This time the devil worked through nature trying to destroy Christ through the elements. This was no ordin­ ary squall to which the seasoned fishermen-disciples of Jesus were

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