KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

The disciples were told also to pray that they might not enter into temptation. They were warned of the oncoming attack of the adver­ sary. Christ left them to pray while He went on further by Himself. We hear Him speaking, “ Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me." What tenderness in that word "Father." We must see here the humanity, as well as the deity of our Saviour. Some believe that when Christ spoke of the "cup" He was refer­ ring to the pain of His body which He would have to endure. Others believe that it was His dread of be­ ing made the Bearer of all the sins of all mankind. Still others indicate that it was His concern for being separated from His Father for that j time that He was on the cross. The j latter would seem to be the best ; accepted view of the three. Death was necessary through the symbolic cup. Its dregs consisted of God's judgment upon mankind for sin. To make full atonement for sin there had to be suffering, pain and death. This Jesus knew full well, having planned it with the Father in the eternal chambers of heaven. His divine nature earnestly j cried, "O n !" He wanted only to ' do the perfect will of Cod. What an example for us today. Satan was seeking here in the Garden to overwhelm the Lord. The demons of hell were impelled against Him with such force that ' the sheer weight of their power would be enough to suffocate any­ one. In this way, through natural causes, the devil wanted to bring His early death, keeping Him from : the sacrifice for man's sins on the cross. Here He suffered as a man, I and was comforted by an angel j

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