KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

To the Church has been com­ mitted the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel to the world. This in­ cludes the various arms of the local church and faith mission boards which have been raised up to carry on these distinctive areas of min­ istry. It is Satan's desire to keep men blinded to the truth of salvation. As the age increases the devil's suc­ cess has been most pronounced. All of this is but another indication that the time of our Lord's return could be fast approaching. Was there ever an hour when churches were so indifferent as they are now? We do not seem to be moved by the spiritual needs of people around the world. Most are con­ cerned with their own materialis­ tic gains and goals. We thank the Lord for those churches which are faithful to the commission given in the Word to carry forward until the time when our Saviour returns to call us unto

Himself. Many millions are waiting today for the Good News. Will we be willing to do our part, what­ ever that may be, to further the cause of Christ in bringing them the Word? This alone can redeem and satisfy the hunger of the hu­ man heart. Satan Attacks the Body of Christ Despite the promises of God, Satan has always been endeavor­ ing to keep the eternal program from being brought to fruition. The ultimate reasoning he has is very easy to understand. It will cause him to be cast finally into the lake of fire which can never be quenched. That time will cul­ minate the affairs of the devil, all the demons and Christ-rejecting mankind throughout all the eter­ nal ages. There are people all about us who have heard the Gospel time and time again. Yet they contin­ ually turn aside from the promise of eternal life. Their wills are set against what God has to tell them; Satan has blinded their eyes. The Body of Christ has always been, and will continue to be until the Rapture, subject to the attack of the devil. It is his attempt to do away with the message and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In II Timothy 4:1-4 we see that there will come a day when many people will depart from the faith, not wanting to listen to the Gos­ pel. Sound doctrine is not desired, and instead people go into many different types of false religious groups, cults, spiritism and astrol­ ogy. Enlightened by the Holy Spir­ it, Paul is warning all believers of the approach of this hour. And, as we look around us to see the activ­ ities of men, we cannot help but Page 41

Dr. Anderson is Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in West Covina.

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