KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

Without sight or light we live by guess and chance. Bound, we are slaves and restricted to monotony and despair.

What an effective picture — without sight or light we live by guess and chance. Bound, we are slaves and restricted to monotony and despair. This graphic picture of man without Christ is clearly demon­ strated in the lives of man, ancient or modern. Have you ever groped for the light switch in a dark and unfamiliar room? In a sense, some are groping for reality with drugs, alcohol, and mysticism. Without full knowledge and understanding, many destroy their lives before they ever see the light. Mentally, we can be bound by bias, chained to self and the hell of despair. Christ is the light that brings full life and understanding. We see our need, our helplessness and claim Him as Lord and Savior. To those who have accepted Christ as Savior and deliverer, Simeon was right: Christ is light! But Simeon added another significant phrase concerning the Christ-child. He was “ the glory of thy people Israel.” That is, when people would think of Israel, the one thought that would stand out was that Christ was of these people: He was the son of David. Christ was to be Israel’s pride and joy. This is, of course, a poor way to state it. But it does catch the basic concept of the Greek term translated “ glory.” Hereafter, the best of Israel was not Moses or Joshua. It was neither David nor the temple. It was not their culture or their law that people would consider the glory of their race. It was their Messiah, Immanuel, who had come to minister to all mankind; born of the family of David but truly God incarnate. This Christmas season the world desperately needs a light — The Light — as surely as Israel needs to recognize Christ as their Glory. Page 5

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