Is Missions for Me

When asking the questions, “Am I called to be a missionary?” or “Is missions for me?”, ask yourself a different question... “Who am I?” Are you a disciple of Jesus?


If so, that is your calling. Being a missionary is living intentionally as a disciple of Jesus wherever He has placed you. This is what we call “thinking missionally.” As a disciple of Jesus Christ, we begin to have maximum effectiveness when we understand why we were created. This mission of being a disciple will look different for every person. Someone may be a sports radio broadcaster, school teacher, telemarketer, farmer, politician, or church planter. But for every one of them the question is the same, “Are you living for Jesus in the location in which He has placed you?” No part of the body of Christ is anymore important than any other. If you are called by God to be a faithful disciple on a farm in Iowa, or you are called to plant the seed of the Gospel in Indonesia, your calling is tailor-made for you to fulfill. Embrace the call of God for your life and do not covet someone else’s position in the body of Christ. Not everyone can be the star quarterback. In fact without the “linemen” (the big guys who block up front) the quarterback would get creamed every time. Just like on a good football team, it takes every player to reach the goal. That’s exactly how God has designed the Body of Christ. As we all play our part on the team, only then can we win together.



This question probably seems disconnected from the first and does not seem like it should even fit into the discussion of “Am I made for missions?” . But before you dismiss this question, take a second to think about it. What irritates you, in a righteous anger kind of way, to no end? In Matthew 21 we see an account of Jesus getting ticked off! People were abusing the purpose for the temple of God. Instead of using the building as a place of worship of the Almighty God, they had turned it into a place to worship their bank accounts. He gets so ticked off that He throws them out of the temple. So I ask you, what righteously infuriates you? Can you watch the injustice of the world and just passively walk by? What righteously infuriates you will cause you to take action to bring relief to the problem! If you say something righteously infuriates you yet you take no action in fixing the problem, you are not righteously infuriated. Jesus took action to bring the temple back to its created purpose. Does the broken state of the world drive you to want to tell them how they can be restored to their created intent?

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