Is Missions for Me


Every Christian can pinpoint their gifting and then can understand how that gifting will fit into at least one of these five categories. But no matter what your gift is, you can always be in the “praying” category. In fact, it is often the “bookends” of our life that are categorized by prayer. When we are young, we may not be ready to serve or to give financially. But we can always be praying! When we are older we may not have the energy or physical health to serve, but we can be a powerful prayer warrior for the mission! The one non-negotiable role every Christian is called to is prayer for the mission. It is to daily be on our knees before the Throne of Grace to ask God to empower those around the world doing the work. It can be praying for those in persecution that their faith would remain strong, and it can be praying for your local church missionaries once a week or once a month. Many times we emphasize giving over praying. But if God is all powerful and prayer moves His hand, then prayer is the most vital gift anyone can give. This role of praying for the nations should not be simply an option for us but rather a burden that is unshakable. If you need a resource on prayers start by checking out The Joshua Project. Each day you are given a new people group to pray for with specific prayer requests. PRAYER IS THE MOST VITAL GIFT ANYONE CAN GIVE. “ FINANCIAL SUPPORT Every full-time vocational missionary is deserving of financial stability and support. For those of us called to stay at home, we have an opportunity to get financially behind the ministry of missionaries who are physically taking the Gospel to the unreached and unsaved. What’s awesome about this privilege is that this giving not only can be a way to bless a missionary but also a way for us to invest in ministries that we believe in. When you answered the question about what infuriates you, was it something you could actually act on today? Often it isn’t. Many times the systems that Satan uses to oppress people are deeply rooted, and it can make us feel helpless as if there is no way for us to change anything. One tangible way to start is to give. Do you care about orphans and widows? Do you care about a specific people group? Do you long to be see physical needs met and the Gospel spread? Giving is always a tangible step. Wherever God’s work goes forth money is needed. Instead of hiding from that fact, we should embrace it and see it as a privilege to give to ministries that move our hearts and our souls. 2 SEND I NG How can you and I be a part of sending? Here are some simple ideas.

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