N E W S L E T T E R Your Resource for Health, Wellness, and Caring For Your Body
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Do you experience pain and swel l ing with squatting or climbing stairs? Do your knees often catch or lock up, making it difficult to perform dai ly tasks that once seemed simple? At The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. , our physiotherapists can help you find relief and get you moving again! Knee pain can be debi l i tat ing, making i t difficult to walk, run, and move. It may even hinder your abi l ity to do simple things l ike sitting through a movie or a long car ride. The location of your pain helps determine which structures are involved and can help ensure proper treatment. Often the pain leads to avoiding activity, but this strategy does not help in the long run. Inactivity often leads to more dysfunction and d i sab i l i t y . Phys i o t he rap i s t s a r e movement exper ts, and if your symptoms are severe or last more than a few weeks, your f i rst step should be to contact our physiotherapists! At The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. , we can get you moving once again by relieving your pain and enhancing your body’s natural heal ing process. Cal l today to schedule an appointment with one of our exper ts!
of bones, tendons, and l igaments. Knee injuries can result from direct contact or a sudden movement that strains the knee. When there is no specific event connected to the damage, the most common knee pain causes are aging, injury, or repeated stress on the knee. Knee pain can be mi ld or severe and include sprained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis, and ar thritis.
Some common knee injuries include:
• Ar thr i t is. The most common type of ar thritis for knee pain is osteoar thritis (OA) . Th i s cond i t i on occu r s when the car t i lage surrounding your joints deteriorates, and the joint no longer has a sufficient cushion between the bone. This leads to joint inf lammat ion, wi th varying levels of pain and dysfunction. • Cartilage Injuries. There are two common car ti lage injuries: • Meniscus injury: The meniscus serves as a shock absorber and helps maintain stabi l i ty in the knee. A meniscus tear can be caused by contact or non-contact activity when the knee twists suddenly. Some tears are the result of wear and tear.
• We Can Help You Resolve Unwanted Knee Pain • Healthy Recipe
• The Importance Of Warming Up • Free Aches & Pains Consultation • New Year, New You
What are the most common knee injuries?
Your knee is one of the largest joints in your body, made up of a complex system
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(345) 943-8700
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