G Adventures - World, Meet G

FAAQ: Frequently Asked Adventure Questions

How adventurous are we talking here? For the average traveller, it all depends on the trip you’re looking to take. Our treks into thin air up Mt Kilimanjaro? Pretty intense! Our local living tours at an agriturismo in Italy? Not so much. Our definition of adventure is getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new — whatever that means for you. Do I need to travel with a partner? Nope, we love, love, love our solo travellers! In fact, a whopping 51% of our travellers set foot on their adventure on their own. And while they may arrive solo, they always return home with new friends from all across the world. Do we only cater to young travellers? As long as you’re above the age of seven, we’ve got an adventure with your name on it. Our family trips open the world to baby- faced explorers. Our two youth Travel Styles are made for 18 to mid-to-late 30-year-olds. And everything else we offer welcomes adult travellers of all ages. How flexible are the itineraries? Every one of our itineraries are built to allow for flexibility and freedom. Want to skip out on a group dinner one night? Do your thing! Itching to check out the local spa on your afternoon off? We’ll give you our recos. Rather have your own private room? Our “My Own Room” option has your back.

What’s the accommodation and transportation like?

No megabuses or thousand-room hotel chains here. We don’t just want to see the hot spots, we want to go deeper into our destination and closer to the things that matter. With an average group size of 10-12 travellers (and a max of 16), we’re able to do just that. Why book my adventure with Hays Travel? Because on top of booking the trip itself, they’ll package together your flights too. So, if you want to spend a couple days in your destination before or after your trip, they make it easy to find and book flights for making it happen.

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