King's Business - 1945-03




phase of Christian work, including Dr. Robert Wells, his associate; Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., of Cleveland, Tennessee; Dr. Hyman Appelman, noted Hebrew Christian leader; and Dr. Jesse M. Hendley of Atlanta, Georgia. The second conference was the elev­ enth annual Torrey Memorial Con­ ference of the Bible Institute, and featured as speakers, Dr. Walter Wil­ son, of Kansas City, Missouri; Dr. George McNeely, of Newark, New Jersey; Dr. George Palmer, of Phila­ delphia; Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, of Dallas, Texas? and Dr. John Linton, of Wheaton, Illinois. The tremendous spiritual impact of these gatherings is hard to estimate. While numbers found Christ and many were reclaimed for the service of the Gospel, eternity alone will reveal the complete results, At the time these meetings were held in Los Angeles, simultaneous services were conducted in Pasadena, Long Beach, and other nearby points. In the bulletin of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, of which Dr. Louis Bauman is pastor, there ap­ peared the following comment with regard to this conference: “Never, in the memory of the pastor, has a Bible Conference been held in this church, in which there was a heartier expres­ sion of real spiritual blessings re­ ceived by those who attended, than we have heard at this conference. It seems that every message just couldn’t have been better. We wish to thank the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for bringing this conference to the people of Long Beach.” ★ ★ Aid to the Jew O NE TOPIC in the daily press re­ ceives space out of all proportion to the number of persons involved. This subject is the Jew, his history and his future. We believe that this is God’s way of stirring up interest in providing a homeland for these wanderers. This homeland can never be any other than that which God Himself has chosen, the ancient land of Palestine. Many panaceas for car­ ing for the Jews have been advocated, but the only solution which cannot and will not fail is given in the Word of God. This remedy is the preaching of the old-fashioned Gospel to Israel

bolically dangerous system of error Which might haye changed the course of history and altered the destiny of millions. In America we have thought the claim of this Japanese ruler ab­ surd, but we have lately experienced in the war with Germany a startling demonstration of the power of propa­ ganda, however false it may be. There is a reason for this change of face by the so-called “Son of Heaven” apart from the American occupation of Japan by our army under General MacArthur. God has brought it about as a work of His amazing grace. There is to be opened to Japan an opportuni­ ty never hers before, that of having the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached without interference from the Bud­ dhist' and Shintoist leaders. Japan­ ese ears will hear the wondrous story that “ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” for them. God grant that many may believe and be turned from darkness to light! It is interesting to contemplate the changes which may be wrought in the spiritual and economic structure of that land if the emperor is really Saved. It is a stirring challenge to prayer. ★ ★ Spiritual Uplift TOURING January, two great confer- U ences have been conducted at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door. To these conferences men and w o m e n from near and far have come to obtain that spiritual refreshment which al­ ways accompanies the faithful proc­ lamation of the Word of God. With­ out a doubt, this is something the Spirit of God had in mind when He admonished God’s children to not for­ sake the assembling of themselves together. Christian people will do well to ponder the advisability of laying aside other duties, even at a financial loss to themselves, to prepare their hearts before the Lord and to receive from Him the rich spiritual uplift that comes from such conferences. Our first conference, directed by Dr. John R. Rice of Wheaton, Illi­ nois, emphasized evangelism. Dr. Rice brought to the West Coast a group of men outstanding in this particular

One Hundred Million Dollars T HE ESTIMATED cost of merely ad- ' vertising the output of the dis­ tilleries- of the American nation fbr the year 1944 was one hundred mil­ lion dollars. Does this seem a very great sum to you? Listen, this is just “peanuts” (as we say) when we stop to consider the ramifications of this nefarious business. Do you know that the people of this land spend seven billion dollars annually to purchase the stuff? And who could ever com­ pute the cost in broken hearts, di­ vided homes, wrecked bodies or warp­ ed minds? This is not to even make reference to the general misery and economic loss due directly to the use o f liquor. Nor have we mentioned other by­ products of drink: the necessity for larger jails, penitentiaries, homes of correction; the demand for greater in­ sane asylums, more room in hospital wards and “ cure” sanitariums; the requirement for more and more insti­ tutions for rehabilitation. ’ For each dollar spent in advertising, the divi­ dends are a thousand dollars’ worth of misery, disease, and heartbreak. Yet our nation goes on advertising this merchandise — seventy-five mil­ lion dollars’ worth in 1943, one hun­ dred million dollars’ worth in 1944 —perhaps one hundred and fifty mil­ lion dollars’ worth in 1945—and what of 1946? What fools we are if we think that God will not some day have a reckoning with our land for permit­ ting this condition! ★ ★ A God Abdicates O F COURSE you read it in the daily papers. Hirohito, self-styled “Son of Heaven,” and scion of the sun god­ dess, proclaimed to his people that he is not, after all, no, nor ever was, the deity he has been claiming to be. Thus falls another colossal and dia­

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