MARCH, 1946:
and attempting to prove to them, as did Matthew the evangelist, that the long-awaited Messiah is none other than the lovely Jesus of Nazareth. For many years at the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles, a work among the Jewish people has been in oper ation. Not only Los Angeles and en virons, but practically every section of our country, has felt the impact of this Jewish ministry. House-to- house calls have been made, letters have been written, and tracts have been mailed to hundreds of thousands. Public meetings, large and small, have been held. The present director of this work is Mr. Daniel Rose, a He brew Christian, with a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and an earnest desire to win his people to Him. A by-product of this work is the recruit ing of many students from the Bible Institute who now plan to do Jewish work as a lifetime service for Christ. Friends who are interested in God’s ancient people should inquire into the possibilities of investing their money in this work. The “overhead” cost is surprisingly small, so that almost all -o f the donors’ gifts go into the actual work of evangelism. Mr. Daniel Rose may be addressed in care of the Jew ish Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ★ ★ Without Excuse fpHE most stupendous and far-reach ing indictment ever made is found in the first chapter of the book of Romans, verse 20, the accused being the entire human race, against which is the charge of failing to recognize God through His creation, and subse quent refusal to give Him honor. Two of the most solemn words of the Scrip tures are found at the end of this verse in which God declares mankind to be “without excuse.” It is the editor’s lot to arise early for a radio broadcast three times each week. On the drive from home to the church where the program is broad cast, it is our pleasure to observe the glory of the sunrise. First, there is darkness; then, streaks of light, fol lowed by an ever-widening display of riotous color. After this moving pic ture of beauty and wonder, the whole earth and sky are ablaze with the light of the sun. How can it be that any one pos sessed of ordinary intelligence can be hold this phenomenon day after day, with all of its variegated wonder, and fail to reoognize the Master Artist, is something which passes comprehen sion. That is why that, in the face of overwhelming and conclusive evidence with regard to His power and God head, God declares the man who acts
like an atheist to be “without excuse.” The sunrise is but one bit of evi dence proving the existence of God. There are millions of other phenom ena, each one giving strong testimony to their Creator. We shudder to think of the fate which will overtake those who utterly disregard this evidence. ★ ★ Contact With the Moon rpHE press has recently described an ■'• interesting attempt on the part of scientists to establish contact with the satellite nearest the earth, the moon. An elaborate apparatus employing the principle of radar was directed toward the moon, and the signals sent out. In the expected time, the response regis tered, confirming mathematically the distance between the earth and the moon. While nothing more definite than this was accomplished, the moon admittedly having no life upon it, what was proved by this experi ment was the ability of radar to pene trate through approximately 500,000 miles of space in a few' seconds. Ac cording to news commentators and magazine editors, this is a very note worthy accomplishment indeed. Nor do we differ from these conclu sions. It is quite a feat to send an electric impulse a quarter of a million miles away to a neighboring satellite and have it bounce back and be re corded in less than five seconds. What immediately came to our mind was this: How much more wonderful than this is the matter of a simple prayer to our Heavenly Father! A child of God may at any time he desires lift his heart to Him for help, in the name of Jesus, and the God of the universe will not only hear him, but answer him! This is not wishful thinking, theological conjecture, or simply the operation of the law of averages. Veri fied instances without number can be secured, producing an overwhelmingly convincing amount of evidence to the effect that such is the experience of a Christian. Time and space are no bar riers to this marvelous miracle of com munication and intercession! Alas, many Christians allow them selves to be satanically influenced to the extent that they fail to utilize the miracle a million times more wonder ful than radar. If reaching the moon thrills scientists, how much more should reaching the third Heaven and the throne of God with our petitions thrill the hearts of believers! ★ ★ Can This Succeed? TNTO our hand recently has come, a small brochure in which is set forth ' the text of the charter adopted by the United Nations Organization at San
Francisco some months ago. In the opening paragraph, where one would quite naturally expect the delegates to the assembly to affirm their faith in a Supreme Being whatever their various, religions, we find absolutely no mention of the name of God. Throughout the body of the charter as well, there was no allusion to any deity. We had not expected any agree ment on the God whom we have come to know as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, but this is the first time in all history when an instrument of this type, dealing with relationships of races and nations, has been formu lated as a totally atheistic document. A few months ago, an item in the daily press discussed this matter of calling upon God for His help. An earnest request had been made by the representatives of two South American countries, asking that the charter include a recognition of God, and this was denied by none other than the representative from our own “Christian” United States! That there is a God no intellectually honest person will ever deny, and that this God is a personal, living, loving and righteous-God, our nation in the past has affirmed to be true. This being the case, how can the United Nations Organization succeed in mak ing peace in the world If this heinous error is allowed? ★ ★ The Heavens Continue to Declare TNQUIRERS into that second science, -1 astronomy, find their study a source of never-ending marvels. With new in struments being constantly invented and improved, the discoveries daily astonish the intellect and delight the imagination. Two great facts still dominate the findings of the astron omer: the immeasurable d e p t h of space and the perfect order of the stellar system. God foreknew the reluctance of the human heart to believe, and because of this, has spread above man’s head an absolutely unanswerable proof of His existence and power. The deeper one is able to penetrate the heavens, the more one is overwhelmed by the revelation of an infinite God. At the same time, every system of the firma ment seems to operate according to well-established and clearly-defined laws. It does not take much thinking for one to reach the inevitable question: Who made the empyrean and by what authority are they maintained? Will one be intellectually honest, and give his heart the right answer, or will he side-step the whole issue and con tinue on in the path of atheism which leads to destruction?
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