MARCH, 1948
In answer to many Inquiries regard* ing the effects of the war upon the Chinese work of the Bible Institute, we publish the following article. O NE OF THE great projects of geles, was the erection and operation of a similar Bible training School in the heart of China. This was realized when the school was completed in 1925. Through the years, until the begin ning of the struggle with the Japanese during the World War II, the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles in China was mightily used of God to challenge and prepare young Chinese students for the ministry of reaching their own countrymen for Christ. The war brought a swift end to operations in China. Students were forced to leave; the campus itself be came a battleground. During thè past five or more years, there has been a great deal of uncertainty as to the actual condition of the buildings and equipment. About six months before the war closed, the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles asked Dr. Charles Roberts, who has been associated with this work since 1922, and director since 1938, to go to China so that he would be on the ground when the conflict ceased, and thus be prepared to begin immediately the work of reconstruction and rehabilita- don. Dr. Roberts is eminent!}' fitted 'or this service, having been a busi- The Roberts’ Residence There are three other residences in the same condition.
the two men, who, under God, were responsible for the found ing of the Bible Institute of Los An
1. Keller Residence. 2. Main building showing southwest corner demolished by a large bomb.
ness administrator and teacher of the Chinese language as well as an evan gelist. Since Dr. Roberts’ return, we have been receiving reports of the actual state of affairs on the campus. First, there were reports of total destruction. Then came more details; photographs showed that in most cases only the walls were left standing, with doors, window frames, and all fixtures gone. This unhappy situation occasioned much intercession on the p a r t of friends who have known this work and prayed for it through the years, and on the part of the Board of Direc tors of the Bible Institute of Los An geles, following their conferences. It was felt that God was leading us to rebuild, to continue the work, and to bring it back to the place of blessing it has known throughout its history. The decision calls for the expenditure of a great deal of money and a com plete renewal of our Chinese staff. Mr. J. Russell Davis, another former missionary to China, also under ap pointment of the Bible Institute, is now working with UNRRA in Shang hai. Mrs. Roberts, still in this country, hopes to sail within a few months. Latest reports from Dr. Roberts indi cate that some classes have been re sumed on a limited scale and that evangelistic bands are already in the process of training and preparation. He also states that he has had the joy of distributing to Chinese Christians 850 parcels of clothing and 25 parcels of bedding furnished by UNRRA. However, it will be some time before the buildings can be put into shape, even if the entire amount of necessary cash w e r e available, as building materials are very limited in that land. Recently, a proposal has come to us from the Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, in
which it is suggested that the campus be used as headquarters for the work of this committee for a period of two years. The Chinese government would repair the buildings to a certain ex tent, making them temporarily usable, and then return them to the Bible In stitute in China when this contract expired. At the same time this would not exclude a limited use of certain areas of the campus for school pur poses. Just as soon as the funds are available, construction of permanent buildings would begin and be carried to completion. There is no question but that today China presents a most amazing chal lenge for the missionary enterprise. It is estimated that in that great land there are nearly 500,000,000 to be reached for Christ. It is true that they are in heathen darkness, but the government of New China is most friendly to the missionary enterprise; in fact, it openly encourages the re turn of the missionaries. What would happen to China if a real, Heaven-sent revival were to break out is delightful to contemplate. Perhaps it may be God’s plan that such a revival should start in the halls of the re-established Bible Institute in Hunan. All of this calls for much prayer and sacrificial giving. The funds required, even for rebuilding on a temporary basis, will amount to several thou sands of dollars. Dr. Roberts advises a reduction in rate of exchange from 1000-1 to 300-1. But if this is God’s will, then we are right in looking to Him to supply this sum. However, no gift is too smalL For the information of interested ones, all such contri butions should be marked “For the Hunan Bible Institute,” and sent to Business Manager, Bible Institute Of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, 4.3, California.
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