King's Business - 1945-03





THE WORKER’S PRAYER Not for the eyes of men May this day's work be done, But unto Thee, O God, That with the setting sun My heart may know the matchless | prize Of sure approval in Thine eyes. I j KING'S BUSINESS FREE FUND Here is a letter Just received by our Subscription Department: “Dear Dr. Talbot: I think I will have to d i s c o n t i n u e the King's Business, as m y doctor bills are heavy and I just cannot afford to keep it. I know that I will miss it very much, as I have taken it for years. I will be 95 in April, but have very good eyes and enjoy reading my Bible every day. I pray the Lord will keep you in His work until His coming.” We are glad to say that this lis­ tener’s subscription has been extended indefinitely because s o m e friends have made possible a free fund for missionaries, retired p a s t o r s and needy ones like this dear friend. If you would like to help, send your contribution marked "For Free Fund” care of the King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Cali­ fornia. Rev. Harold John Ockenga, Ph. D-, noted writer and pastor o f the Park Street Church, Boston, Mas­ sachusetts. Rev. Vance Havner, often spo­ ken o f as “ the whimsical South­ erner” o f North Carolina, author o f many books, and popular Bible conference speaker. Rev. Coulson Shepherd, D. D., former pastor o f the First Baptist Church, Atlantic City, New Jersey, and now engaged in Jewish evan­ gelistic work. Rev. E. W. Goodrich, pastor of the Mossyrock Community Church, Mossyrock, Washington. Rev. George H. Clement, pastor of the Hughson Street Baptist Church, Hamilton, Ontario. Mr. Albert Feigert, member of the Advisory Board o f the Chris­ tian Business Women’s Council, and a professional writer. OUR WRITERS FOR THIS ISSUE

Dean, Vice-President on Trip Traveling by American Airlines, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, dean, and Dr. Paul R. Bauman, vice-president of the Bible Institute, left Los Angeles Janu­ ary 9, for points in Mexico and Central America. Recent word from them states that upon landing in Mexico City, they re­ ceived a “royal” welcome from mem­ bers of the Wycliffe Translators’ group, and that they have been kept busy with sight-seeing, and holding services. From Mexico City, they expect to go to Oaxaca, then to Guatemala City where their headquarters will be at the Central American Bible Institute, on to Merida, and then back again to Mexico City from which they plan to return to Los Angeles by plane, Feb­ ruary 11. The purpose of their trip is two­ fold: to visit, and to take pictures of Biola missionary alumni in action and to film certain ruins of archaeological interest; of special value will be those of the Mayan and Aztec ruins. The former pictures will be used in show­ ing the missionary work of the Wy- oliffe Bible Translators, a service in which most of the Biola alumni in that area are engaged, and to aug­ ment the picture, “Life at Biola,” used in the extension program of the In­ stitute. Dr. Bauman expects the ar­ chaeological films to be helpful to his students in their Bible apologetics work. Contemplated Itineraries Beginning about the first of March, Dr, Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute, and Editor-in-Chief of the King’s Business, will minister in various cities of the San Joaquin Valley, beginning at Bakersfield, and extending to San Francisco. Pastors in this vicinity who desire a meeting in their churches should write at once to the Extension Department. Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Vice-President of the Bible Institute, plans a speak­ ing tour this summer to cover the states of Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennyslvania and New York. He will lecture on archaeological sub­ jects, illustrated by color slides. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Dean of the Bible Institute, during the sum­ mer of 1946, will be speaking in the Northern Pacific Coast area, including Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho and Montana. In connection with his mes­ sages, Dr. Sutherland will show a colored film, entitled, “Life at Biola.”

The New Term Registration to date for the spring semester at Biola is 745, with one more week to go! There are 31 “returnees” of which 10 are discharged veterans. Of the 24 states and foreign countries represented, the California enroUment still leads, and of ten denominations, the Baptists are still out in front!

Music Notes The opening of Biola’s spring term marks the coming of the Rev. Levi B. Olson to the faculty as Music Director of the school. Mr. Olson is well qualified from the standpoint of Christian training and technical preparation to represent the Institute, and to serve the students in the capacity to which he has been called. He graduated from the Moody Bible Institute with the class of ’27 as a music major. In addition to his work there, he attended the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, Greeley State College, Colo., and Chico State College, Calif. He has carried on three successful pastorates: the Evan­ gelical Free Churches in Portland, Ore., Greeley, Colo., and in Orland, Calif. While in Portland, Mr. Olson served in the Music Department of the Multnomah School of the Bible. In the past, the Music Department has been one of which Biola has been justly proud, and we believe that un der the able leadership of its new di­ rector, its character will continue to be that of the highest caliber. Miss Ruth Urbigkeit (student) has resigned from the office of secretary, and that place is now being filled by Miss Dorothy Erickson (student ’39- ’41).

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