King's Business - 1945-03


EARTH'S TREASURE HEAPS Paul R. Bauman, A.B., Th.B., D.D. “ And I will send the hornet before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from T HE two chief vaMes/of archae­ ology are confirmation and il­ lumination. One of the best illustrations of this is to be seen in before thee” (Ex. 23:28 R .V .)

over a p e r i o d of about 80 years, “Egypt had aimed at securing the servitude of the Canaanite cities by a consistent policy of tyranny and spoilation, calculated in the issue to break their individual strength, and had now left them to their fate be­ fore the advancing Hittites and the Habiru; so that at the time chosen for the settlement of the tribes, the land is found in the throes of a revo­ lution, with the Egyptian organization temporarily broken down.” * One can readily see. how the pic­ ture reconstructed by the archaeol­ ogist fits the Biblical story of the con­ quest of the land. The Canaanites had undergone for a long time what in modern language would be called a process of “softening up,” after which Joshua and the children of Israel were able to march in and take over the land. A little reflection will show that such an explanation is entirely rea­ sonable. In Isaiah 7:18, the fly and the bee symbolize the military forces of Egypt and of Syria: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that Je­ hovah will hiss for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria.” Again, in the book of Daniel, God used animals as symbols of military power. Even to­ day if one should speak of the recent victories of the American eagle, such a statement would call for no ex­ planation. Likewise reference is often made to the British lion, the Russian bear, and the Chinese dragon. Such expressions appear constantly in the writings of today. Let us not refuse the ancient historians the same priv­ ilege. * John Garstang, “ The Foundations of Bible History, Joshua, Judges,” London, 1930, page 259. “HowtoWin Souls To Christ” This booklet is excellent for Pas­ tors, S. S. Teachers, Christian Endeavor and Personal Workers. Tells you how to use the Gospel of John in soul winning. Very effective. Simple. Scriptural. ïÿo memorizing. Thousands using this method. Be a soul winner. “He that winneth souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30. Each 25 cents. U.S. Postage accepted. Order today.: The Soul Winners Exchange, Inc. 1147 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale 6, Cailf.

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the light scientific investigation has thrown upon God’s promise to send the “hornet.” Three times a reference to the hornet occurs in the Old Testa­ ment (Ex. 23:28; Deut. 7:20; Josh. 24:12), and a few years ago it was the butt of considerable ridicule on the part of infidels. For example, in his best-known lecture, “Some Mis­ takes of Moses,” Robert G. Ingersoll scoffs: “Do you believe that God Almighty ever went into partnership with hornets? Is it necessary unto salvation? God said to the Jews: ‘I will send hornets before you, to drive out the Canaanites.’ How would a hornet know a Canaanite? Is it pos­ sible that God inspired the hornet— that He granted letters of marque and reprisal to hornets? I will admit that nothing in the world would be better calculated to make a man leave his native country than a few hornets tending strictly to business.” Now the writer is willing to testify from personal experience to the truth of the last sentence In this quotation. He is also willing to admit that a blitzkrieg of hornets would be rather a strange method of warfare. But here is a principle which the serious stu­ dent should never forget. If state­ ments in the Bible seem peculiar and hard to square with one’s idea of the way things should be, the apparent strangeness is probably due to limited information. The truth of this has been demonstrated many times in Biblical research. To the real Christian, the story of the hornets presents no real problem. Surely if God had enough wisdom and power to create a hornet in the first place, He could not logically be denied the power, or even the right, to send that hornet, or even a whole army of them, against wicked men who deserved judgment. However, it is not so much a question of what God could have done, but of what He actually did. Prof. Garstang has shown the hor­ net to be a symbolical allusion to Egyptian power. In Exodus 23:27, God says, “ I will send my terror before thee.” Such a statement would imme­ diately be understood by the Hebrews as military power under the symbol of a hornet. This was the hieroglyph of Thothmes III and his immediate successors. It is- a significant ¿act that

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