King's Business - 1945-03


MARCH, 1946

MUSICAL MESSAGES OF THE MAS­ TER, by The Boone Family. A new booklet containing sixty-nine songs written for the most part by members of this musical family. All of these songs appear new to the reviewer so the book is evidently not Intended for general use, as there are no well- known favorites included. Many of the songs may be adapted for choir work. Boone Pub. Co., Box 200, Des Moines, Iowa. Paper. Price 60 cents. BIBLE QUESTIONS EXPLAINED, by Louis T. Talbot. Gleaning the most Important and pertinent questions from the thousands asked him during the years of his radio ministry, the writer here presents In concise, read­ able, and instructive form sixteen chapters of explanations of Bible doc­ trines and portions of Scripture. There are questions on the Bible, its ver­ sions, manuscripts, verbal inspiration; also many regarding the Triune God, the early history of man, Satan, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, tongues, unfulfilled prophecy, Roman Cathol­ icism and other false religions, etc. A topical index and an index to Bibli­ cal passages are included. As pastor of the Church of the Open Door and president of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, Dr. Talbot is eminently qualified both to know the doubts and longings of men’s hearts and to answer their questions from the Holy Word of God. This book should be in the library of every pastor, Bible teacher, and layman. 280 pages. William B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. HIS DECEASE IN JERUSALEM, by Abraham Kuyper, D.D. A series of twelve devotional messages written by the famous deceased Dutch theologi­ an, and edited and abridged by Stu­ art P. Garver. The topics are centered around the death of Christ and are set forth with Dr. Kuyper’s usual skill. They are valuable for pre-Easter med­ itations. 100 pages. William B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00.

THE ATOMIC BOMB AND THE WORD OF GOD, by Wilbur M. Smith, D.D. This is a 30-page booklet dealing in an instructive and thoroughly sensi­ ble way with the question of the rela­ tionship of this amazing discovery to the revelation of the Scriptures. Dr. Smith first explains the mysteries of the matter of atomic explosion in simple terms, then goes on to show the one great passage In the Bible which unquestionably deals with it. (2 Pet. 3:7, 10-14). P u b l i s h e d by Moody Press; price 25c. SPURGEON'S LECTURES TO HIS STUDENTS, condensed and edited by David Otis Fuller, D. D. Here is an­ other fine compilation of the writings of Spurgeon by the able pastor of Wealthy St. Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, now serving as a U. S. Navy chaplain. This is a con­ densation of the addresses delivered to the students of the Pastors’ College of the Metropolitan Tabernacle by its president, Charles H. Spurgeon. They are spiritual, searching, often sar­ castic, but always very much to-the- point. Such subjects as “The Call to the Ministry,” “Our Public Prayer,” '‘To Workers with a S l e n d e r Ap­ paratus,” "Open Air P r e a c h i n g , ” “Where Can We Find Anecdotes and Hlustrations?” are discussed. There are twenty-seven extremely practical chapters. 422 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. $3.00. THE HOUR OF POWER, by John E. H u b s . Here is a very interesting vol­ ume of 98 pages dealing with the his­ tory of a young preacher who built up his mid-week service from an attend­ ance of seven to nearly fifteen hun­ dred. Mr. Huss speaks with convinc­ ing frankness, discussing the organi­ zation, the publicity, and the place of prayer, music, and the Word of God in this service. A number of new and valuable ideas are presented and the author very generously offers the ti­ tle, “Hour of Power,” for anyone’s use. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25.

PELOUBET'S SELECT NOTES and Comment ary on the International Bible Lessons for 1946, by Dr. Wilbur M. Smith. The seventy-second annual edition of this well-known help for pastors and Sunday school workers has been edited for a number of years by Dr. Smith. Here is a wealth of ex­ cellent material, and a treasury of suggestions for the Christian worker who does not have the source mate­ rials at hand. This volume is carefully edited and thoroughly sound. The book is well bound in cloth, printed on surprisingly good paper, and sells for the exceptionally low price of $2.00. There are 433 pages. Published by W. A. Wilde Company, Boston, Mass. PBEACHERS I HAVE KNOWN, by Alexander Gammie. A series of 57 biographical sketches of famous Eng­ lish and Scottish preachers. Evident­ ly these articles first appeared on the pages of the Glasgow Evening Citi­ zen, and proved so popular that the author acceded to the wishes of his readers, and published the material in more permanent form. The book be­ gins with the story of Dr. Alexander Whyte and concludes with a word re­ garding the late Dr. G. Campbell Mor­ gan. Along with each article is a photograph, and these pictures en­ hance the book considerably. There are 200 pages, the book is well bound in cloth, and the publishers are the English firm of Pickering and Inglis, Ltd., of London, and Glasgow. Price 12/ 6. GRACE IN GALATIANS AND PHIL- IPPIANS, by Dr. Keith L. Brooks. Here is another booklet (55 pages, paper bound) in the series by Dr. Brooks using the valuable question and an­ swer method of study. Evidently in­ tended for home s t u d y or study classes, most of the space is taken up by questions with space left for an­ swers. The treatment is thoroughly evangelical and extremely practical. Published by the American Prophetic ^ League; the price is 50 cents.

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