King's Business - 1945-03


MARCH, 1946


Dr. Hubbard's Department “ I recently subscribed to the King’s Busi­ ness. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the magazine,, and how much help I have had from reading it. “ I have started giving object lessons in Sunday school, and I always take them from your magazine. *Tm a young Christian, and I’ve wanted guidance In reading my Bible, so when I could read Genesis under the guidance of Dr. Hubbard, I felt I was really getting somewhere, I am still studying on it, and expect to until the next issue comes.” Mrs. Helen Benson. Portland, Ore. “ I am still getting help from my King's Business. This new series of studies by Dr. John A. Hubbard is going tp prove very fine for all of us, especially for young Chris- ■tians who have a new love for His Word, but little understanding of it.” Mrs. W. C. Evans. Vero Beach, Fla. “ I am glad to tell you that the King's Business is deeply spiritual. The Question Box is very fine. I am especially interested In the ‘Bible Book of the Month’ by Dr. Hubbard.” Mrs. H. E. Eustace. Lawrence, Kan. Kind Words “We think your paper is one of the best magazines that we have seen in circulation, and we take over twenty Christian papers. Rev. A. J. Sharp. Spring City, Tenn. •‘I think the King’s Business is improving each year. Its make-up is Scriptural, funda­ mental, inspirational and very helpful to Christian living.” Rev. I. E. Johnson. Lancaster, Pa. “ I have always found your magazine help­ ful, but for some good reason your last Issue Just took me off my feet, it is so extraor­ dinarily excellent.” J. C. Hatz. Milwaukle, Ore. Golden Text Illustrations “ There is one thing I’ve missed in your magazine this past year, and that is the illustrations of the Golden Text for each Sunday’s lesson.’’ Mrs. Mildred Conner. Waynesboro, Pa. A Booster “ I send one two-year [King’s Business] subscription to some one each month.” Mrs. John Beyer. Camarillo, Calif. Junior King's Business “ I was greatly impressed by the Christmas story in the Junior King’s Business, Dec., 1945. The title was ‘Penny and the Christ­ mas Star,’ by Helen Frazee-Bower.” Mrs. Marjorie Snyder* Los Angeles, Calif. The Twenty-Year Test ‘‘The King’s Business has been my prize magazine for many years and I would not wish to be without it. In 1926 I first sub­ scribed for it. . . . Think it the best ever.” Mrs. Sam Griffin. Walla Walla, Wash.

"Moire It a Memorial with SPIRITUAL significance ” That is the expressed demand of church people. To fill this need we offer three large beautifully framed pictures of Christ—each a true full-color reproduction of an original oil painting by Warner E. Sallman. You can find no more appropriate memorial to the church’s men and women in the Service. A Story-Interpretation, given FREE with each picture, furnishes excellent material for a dedication program. The lovely “Barbizon” frame is charming and elegant. Finished in gold- bronze, it fits into any setting. A true work of art, it augments the richness, warmth and strength of the pictures. In large rooms a combination hanging of two or three pictures is very impressive. “Verplexed” for Permanency “Verplexing” seals in the colors and protects the surface; gives an embossed effect which simulates the brush marks of the original oil painting. “Verplexed” pictures are framed without glass—after the manner of valuable originals. THREE Salima* SUBJECTS NOW AVAILABLE—LARGE SIZE No. 4000—Head of Christ, 35x45 _____________ $40.00 No. 4002—Christ at Heart’s Door, 35x45 ______ 40.00 No. 4003—The Lord Is My Shepherd, 35x45 ____40.00 A bronze name plate (available through your picture supplier) provides permanent marking of your memorial. A W A R N E R P R E S S P R O D U C T O R D E R F R O M Y O U R C H U R C H S U P P L I E S D E A L E R IMPRESSIVELY LARGE 35x45 FRAME Adequate for Auditorium, Chapel, Tabernacle, etc.

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