King's Business - 1945-03

MARCH, 1946


Grace could not take their little one back to Africa with them. Only last September were Grace and her little girl permitted to fly to Bukuru, Nigeria^ where Mr. Whale had been waiting for his family to join him for many months. “Mother” Feldges gave her own life in ministry on the mission field, and reared their daugh­ ter who yielded her life for service for our wonderful Lord. She left an in­ fluence for Christian service on the be­ loved granddaughter so that this little one at the tender age of four and five years was moving adults and children to heed the call of those who sit in darkness and solitude without God and without hope in the world. Truly hers was a great life, lived for “others,” and a wonderful example of the grace of God.

Born To Jack W. ’41 and Mrs. Montgomery (Gene Huntamer ’40) a daughter, Patricia Ellen, Jan. 10, 1946, in Olym­ pia, Wash. To Burton W. ’43 and Mrs. Bascom (Marvel Kintner ’43) a son, Burton William III, Jan. 9, 1946, in Mexico City, Mex. To Ben ’42 and Mrs. Rahn a son, Eugene Paul, Jan. 8, 1946, in Enid, Okla. To Orville and Mrs. Hurd, both of the class of ’39, a daughter, Anne Louise, Dec. 29, 1945, at Orange, Calif., Route 1, Box 1020. To Marvin and Mrs. Lokkesmoe (Patricia Kelso ’40) a daughter, Mary Patricia, Jan. 5,1946, in Oakland, Calif. To Sydney R. and Mrs. Best (Dorothy H, Cornell ’34) a son, Richard Alex­ ander, Oct. 31, 1945, in Lanchow, China. With the Lord Frank I. W li i t e E. S. ’26, passed triumphantly to his Heavenly home, Jan. 4, following a long and painful illness, leaving to mourn his death his beloved wife, Ingrid, and one son, John Andrew, twelve years of age. Frank for thirty-two years had been connected with a major lumber com­ pany of Los Angeles, and was a lay member of the Church of the Open Door, with a vision of service for the Lord.- A persistent winner of souls, his particular field of effort was among the young, especially under­ privileged boys, for whom he had or­ ganized Sunday schools in several in­ stitutions in the vicinity of Los An­ geles. Because of failing health, his activities in recent years were oon- fined to the area surrounding Alham­ bra, where he made his home, teach­ ing and witnessing, holding Bible classes in his home, and elsewhere as strength permitted. Our sympa­ thies go out to the family, who are experiencing the comfort of the Lord in a marked manner. Loving sympathies to Mrs. Fred Whale (Grace Feldges ’28, P. G. ’29) and to her father Mr. H. W. Feldges in the sudden passing of her dear mother last Jan. 8. Grace was born of mis­ sionary parents in South America, and has herself been called of the Lord to work in the mission fields of Africa where she and Mr. Whale have estab­ lished a notable work, known as the Boys Brigade, which has great promise of a fruitful Christianizing ministry among the natives. That the Lord’s ways are not our ways is shown in this sudden home-going, for it was this lovely home where the Whale’s little daughter Marjorie Linda was nurtured in the things of God and given a real missionary vision during the years of the war when Fred and

1 9 4 5 Annual Report of Fishermen’s Club Meetings Held: Regular Monday Evenings at Church of the Open Door Au­ ditorium (Average attendance 50) .............................. 52 Missions ......................... 24 Penal Institutions ............. 42 Neighborhood Churches ________ 21 Street Meetings ........... 98 Christian literature distributed: Tracts ...,._____ ....500,000 Gospels ........................ ........„. 5,000 New Testaments ................. 400 Total professed conversions___ 700 Missionaries in fulltime service: Foreign ................ 23 H ome.................. 28 Members still in armed services...... 10

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