King's Business - 1945-03




, Helps for Everyone Interested in Youth

Dr, Walter L Wilson

APRIL 7, 1946 FROM GALILEE TO JERUSALEM Luke 9:51-53; John 7:11-36.

2. CHRIST INTENDED TO SAVE SINNERS. Luke 19:10. The Father sent the Lord Jesus to save men (1 John 4:14). Jesus fitted perfectly into that plan. He reasoned with His enemies in such a convinc­ ing manner that they were ashamed, for always the door was open for sal­ vation. They derided Him, but He con­ tinued on His path, the path of salva­ tion for their souls. They rejected Him, but He steadfastly went on to the Cross to pay the penalty which was necessary for their redemption. It is His great sacrificial work at Cal­ vary that makes it possible for God to forgive the sinner. Christ gave Him­ self to the Cross that He might give Himself to us. 3. CHRIST INTENDED TO MANI­ FEST GOD. John 14:9. The Lord Jesus was the very out­ shining and the express image of His Father (Heb. 1:3). We may know what God is like by considering His Son, the Saviour. The words He spoke came from the Father. The deeds which He did were ordered by the Father. The work that He accomplished was by the Father’s instructions. His sinless character was a duplicate of the Fath­ er’s character. In all of His life He revealed that He belonged to God, that He came down from God and went back to God. His was a complete revelation of the character of God the Father. He never varied in the least from that path. The Father could say of Him, "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). 4. CHRIST INTENDED TO FULFILL THE SCRIPTURE. Acts 13:22,23. It was the Father’s will that Jesus should fulfill the Scriptures which foretold His, coming. Jesus intended that it should be so (Luke 24:46). Every step of the journey made by our Saviour was in accordance with

the prophecy of old. Thus the inspir­ ation and accuracy of the Old Test­ ament were affirmed. Sixteen times in the Gospel of Matthew we read the expression, “that it might be ful­ filled.” Christ carried out God’s plans and purposes completely. We, too, should give ourselves over to the leading of the Spirit of God so that, following His steps, we may fulfill God’s plan in our lives and let noth­ ing turn us aside from it. Let us seek to know and do God’s will for us. APRIL 14, 1946 FROM CROWN TO CROSS Mark 11:1-11; 15:22-25 rPHE JOURNEY of the Saviour from the height of His acceptance to the depth of His rejection was filled with many remarkable incidents. We confine our thoughts in this journey to the experiences of the colt, as this animal was brought into the life of our blessed Lord. We have often seen men reach heights of popularity and then in a brief moment fall into depths of rejection. This is true both in the lives of wicked men and of good men. Haman was the king’s favorite one day, and was hanged on the gallows the next. Jesus was once acclaimed as the world’s best, and then shortly afterward was crucified by the world’s worst Thus the vacil­ lating character of the world’s favor is manifested. The Lord commends those who seek the glory that comes from above and not the glory of men. For Those Who Have Topics 1. A TIED COLT. Mark 11:2. The great Creator who was on His way to Calvary, whose mind and heart were occupied with the terrible trag­ edy which lay ahead, was also inter­ ested in a colt tied to a post in a city some distance away. Thus Christ’s deity is manifested and His human-

T^HE SAVIOUR came to save sinners. A He never sought to evade or to avoid any of the responsibilities that were Involved in this journey. He could have hidden Himself as He did on four other occasions. He did this by making Himself invisible. He did not do this at the close of His ministry for He came to present Himself to men without hindrance, without resistance, and so that they might do to Him anything they desired. Pilate delivered Jesus "to their will.” Their will was to cru­ cify Him. Thus, we see the revelation of man’s heart. Man’s heart was at its worst in turning out God’s Son who is the best Christ purposely faced the ordeal, endured the cross, despised the shame, that He might reveal what was in man, and save those who put their trust in Him. For Those Who Have Topics L CHRIST INTENDED TO DO GOD’S WILL. Hebrews 10:7. It was God’s will that Christ should present Himself to every kind of per­ son, and then observe the reaction on that person’s heart. S t r a n g e l y enough, hatred appeared in most of those hearts. The Saviour who was full of grace met men who were full of wrath. His presence stirred an evil enmity. In this way God has made the matter of judgment an easy one. The heart that hates the Saviour needs little judgment, for the case is clear. God let His Son suffer, and the Sav­ iour knew all that He must endure that the thoughts of many hearts might be revealed (Luke 2:35). The Saviour was willing to bear the sor­ rows of Calvary for the joy of saving many sinners and of bringing them to God, cleansed and made holy.

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