King's Business - 1945-03



could not loiter with such precious .news. The Gne they loved was alive. The One who calmed the storm was living again. The One who raised the dead had come back. What a mes­ sage we have for the people! Ours is the story of the Living Christ on the throne, the Living One who can still perform miracles and meet every need. He lives to save. He saves the saved and He saves the lost. Hallelujah! What a Saviour! APRIL 28, 1946 M AN AG IN G M Y LIFE Matthew 25:31-46. TT IS interesting to observe through* out the Scripture that God is inter­ ested in stewardship from many an­ gles. When once our Lord saves a person, He begins to invest in that life many precious truths which are intended both for the blessing of that person, and for distribution through that person. We are called to be good “stewards of the mysteries of God.” So our lives are to be directed by the Spirit of God into paths wherein we shall best show forth the virtues of Him who hath called us “out of dark­ ness into his marvelous light.” For Those Who Have Topics 1. JESUS IS COMING. John 14:3. Because the j u d g m e n t seat of Christ will be set up at His com­ ing and we shall be judged for the way we have lived as Christians, the appeal is made that we prepare for that day by “spending and being spent” for the glory of our Lord. We shall not be interested in that day in new shoes, the latest styles, wild flowers, salesmanship, or doughnuts. We shall only be interested in what was done, or left undone, in our rela­ tionship to Christ. In the particular passage which is the subject of this lesson, the matter discussed is our relationship to Israel. The nations were, judged for their attitude toward the Jews. Let us apply it broadly and live well towards all people. 2. JESUS WILL SEPARATE. Mat­ thew 25:32. The sheep represent the people of God, the followers of Christ, those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb. The goats represent lost sin­ ners, those who have rejected the great Jew, the Lord Jesus, refused His Church and repudiated His precious Word. Some day there will be a physi­ cal separation. Saint and sinner will not always live together. Let us by our confession and by our profession as well as by our daily living prove that we are God’s people, that we love the Saviour, obey His Word, and seek to be a blessing to others. John said, “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.” Let us make no mis­ take about whose .we are.

C H O I C E P O EMS T H A T W A R M THE HEAR T I n s p i r a t i o n a l and D e v o t i o n a l V e r s e Compiled by Bob Jones. Jr., LL.D.

This book by. the popular president of Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tenn., contains a beautifully Chosen poem for every day of the year—365 in all. The poems are heart-warming, heart-searching and

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heart-changing. Selected out of the experience of a rich ministry from among the masterpieces of great poets, past and ,present. The author shows a deep under­ standing of today’s pressing spir­ itual needs which these poems satisfy. At Your Bookstore — T O D A Y

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This little girl is not just playing mother. Actually she is trying to take the place "of mother who is a victim of leprosy. Caring for untainted children of lep­ rous parents is just one of the services rendered by the American Mission to Lepers in cooperation with 25 denom­ inational boards and faith missions in almost a hundred mission stations. Besides caring for well children, the devoted missionaries minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the vie tims themselves. Many are led to ac cept Christ as their Saviour. And many find healing for their bodies as well. To help carry on this good work, won’t you prayerfully consider what contributions you can make?

AM ER ICAN MISSION TO LEPERS, INCORPORATED File 5-M, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. Gentlemen: I am happy to make an offering to aid people with leprosy. Enclosed find Name Address ......... .. ................ A Christian World Ministry with the Mission to Lepers, London, since 1574/*

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