King's Business - 1945-03


MARCH, 1946

A Glimpse of Europe


[ A chaplain, writing irom | | France just before he was dis- S ! charged, wrote to the Society j I concerning the distribution of j j Scriptures to civilians in his I | area: i j “I wish you could see the eager- j | ness of the people we have been j I able to contact so far, in the way j j they receive the message of sal- j jj vation which is in the Gospels I j and tracts we were able to get. j | “It seems as if these people j 1 over here are looking for some- j j- thing which they- know little j | about; that is, a way to escape j | .the many disillusions of life that g | are continually in their way as j ! they seek for a better way to j j live. I “Salvation through Jesus Christ j j is the only solution, and you have | I helped provide that to a small j J portion of the people that are in i ) need of it. J “Thank you very much for j j your co-operation and helpful- ! I ness.” —Bible Society Record. j L _ — .— -------- >— — 4 3. JESUS WILL JUDGE. Acts 17:31. Though men today may have little or no interest in the authority of Christ,'we should remember that each one individually must some day be judged by Christ Jesus. He will judge the motives as well as the actions. We shall give account for our words as well as for our ways. Since this is the case, we should seek to know His will and to do it. We should seek to understand the Bible and put it into practice. We should not be satis­ fied unless we find in our hearts those desires and purposes which prove that we have been saved by grace and have received the gift of eternal life. We should seek to carry out the will of the Judge so that when we meet Him, He will say to us, “Well done.” ’ 4. JESUS WILL DECIDE. Matthew 25:41. No ordinary person will decide our eternal destiny. God has made Christ the Judge of all men. He has the final word. There is no appeal from His verdict. There can be no change of venue. His decisions are always just and right. Today He deals with us in mercy. In the judgment day, there will be no mercy, but only jus­ tice. Since He is the One who makes the decision, it behooves us to know His will from the Scripture, to under­ stand His Word in the Bible, and then to seek grace from Heaven and the ministry of the Spirit to carry out His will as revealed in His Word.

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