He asked them what they wanted. They asked Him where He lived and He told them to come and see. The two men stayed with Jesus that day. One of the men was named Andrew. He wanted his brother, Simon Peter, to know Jesus, too. Andrew found Simon and brought him to the Sav iour. The next day, Jesus found Philip, a friend of Peter and Andrew, and said to him, “Follow me.” Philip loved the Lord Jesus so much that he found his friend, Nathanael, and said, “We have found him, of whom Moses in the law . . . did write, Jesus of Naz areth” (John 1:45). How unselfish were these friends of the Lord Jesus! Each one of these men might have chosen to follow the Saviour, and might never have taken time to tell another person about Him. Rather than selfishly k e e p i n g the Lord’s love to h i m s e l f , each man quickly told a friend about Him, the most wonderful of all friends. Have you become a friend of the Lord Jesus Christ by receiving Him as your Saviour? If you have, you may prove your love for Him by obey ing His commandments. The Lord said: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). 'Jesus often told His disciples to tell others of His love for them. Have you been a selfish Christian who has failed to bring anyone else to your Saviour? Remember that Andrew found his brother and brought him to Jesus. Sometimes it is harder for us to talk to those in our own family about becoming Christians than it is to try to win our friends to Christ. Perhaps some member of your fam ily, or your best friend, has never met your Saviour. Pray that you may soon have the joy of introducing that one to Him. THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter.
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