LESSON FOR APRIL 14 Our Response to Christ’s Call L E S S O N MATERIAL: Mark 1:16-20: 5:18-20; 10:46, 52; Luke 5:27, 28. GOLDEN TEXT: “ He left all, rose up, and followed him” {Luke 5:28). Outline and Exposition I. T he C all of C hrist (Mark 1:16-20) The four fishermen were called from catching fish to catching men. Christ called, “Come ye after me” in order that He might teach them this new business of “taking men alive.” To secure the necessary instruction, they had to leave their nets. “Come” : this was to be voluntary on their part; “ye” : it was a personal matter which each one must decide for him self; “after me” : Christ was to give a practical demonstration; they would “learn by doing,” and obeying Him. II. T he R esponse to C hrist (Mark 5:18-20; 10:46, 52; Luke 5:27, 28) Not everyone is a s k e d to leave everything he p o s s e s s e s to follow Jesus, but all are called to follow Him in the desire of the heart The man from whom Jesus had driven the demon illustrates this fact (Mark 5:18-20). He desired to go with Jesus, praying “that he might be with him.” But Jesus told him to go back home and “tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” Without questioning why his prayer was not answered as he wanted it to be, the man immediately “departed,” and be gan to tell “how great things Jesus had done for him.” Blind Bartimaeus, the beggar by the wayside, had called upon Jesus with faith and had received his sight (Mark 10:46, 52). At once he “follow ed Jesus in the way.” For him there was an instant change in the condi tion of life, “he received his sight” ; and an immediate change in the pur suit of life, he “followed Jesus.” Thus our Lord cannot be limited to just one line of action; for His own pur poses He deals with each case indi vidually. The healed demoniac was forbidden to accompany Him; the healed beggar was allowed to do so: both were obeying their new-found Lord. Levi, the publican, rich in material things, heard Christ’s call “Follow me” (Luke 5:27, 28). Straightway he forsook the pursuit of wealth and followed Jesus for the spiritual riches. Things of this world may be taken away; eternal values can never be lost. Eternity is involved in the re sponse which one makes to the call of Christ.
Points and Problems 1. An important principle is vividly illustrated in these several portions of Scripture, namely, that the call to service follows the call to salvation. This order is always observed. It is never reversed. The call of the dis ciples in Mark, chapter 1, is a call to service. They had been previously called to s a l v a t i o n as recorded in- John, chapter 1. After the demoniac had been healed, then he “ departed” to witness. After blind Bartimaeus was made to see, he “followed Jesus in the way.” After Matthew had be come a disciple of Christ, then he “made him a great feast.” The Lord must have man’s heart before He will use his hands. 2. "And straightway they forsook their nets" (Mark 1:18). Salvation is absolutely free to the sinner. The cost of discipleship may, however, be very great. It may mean the giving up of nets, positions with large incomes, pleasures, even homes and loved ones. It is well that the disciple of Christ “counteth the cost” (Luke 14:28)' ere he takes up the work of the Lord, but as he does this he should always remember that for every sacrifice, the Lord abundantly rewards. See Mark 10:29, 30. 3. “James . . . and John . . . mend ing their nets" (Mark 1:19). It is inter esting to note that the word “mend ing" comes from the same Greek word as “restore” in Galatians 6:1. In the first instance, a broken fish net is under consideration; in the second, it is a broken life. It was true in the case of the two disciples of this verse that in the future, instead of mending broken nets, they were to give them selves to mending broken lives. The same call comes to all of God's people. 4. "And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis" (Mark 5:20). De- capolis is a region of ten cities. How great then was the testimony of this saved man! How wonderful if every born-again man would bear testimony in at least ten places! The Gospel witness would soon pervade the whole world. For the Children S ome W ays O f H elping J esus L uke 5:27-29 MEMORY VERSE: “Lord, I will fol low thee” (Luke 9:61). DOME Christian boys and girls re- ^ fuse to Invite bad children from their schools or neighborhoods to Sun day school and church, for they are ashamed to be seen with children whose lives are sinful. These Chris tian boys and girls forget that the Saviour came to call sinners to Him self. One day the Lord Jesus Christ chose as His friend a man whom many
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