King's Business - 1945-03


MARCH, 1946


people hated because he was a tax- J J ^ Q gatherer. His name was Matthew, and | 1 ,¥ v sometimes he was called Levi. The Jewish people hated tax-gatherers be­ cause many of them were dishonest. Some men would not want an un­ popular person to be c a l l e d their friend. The Lord Jesus came to earth to die for sinners, and He welcomed all people as His friends. One day as Matthew was sitting collecting money, the Saviour came to him and said, “Follow me.” The way in which the Lord Jesus spoke those two words, and the look of love in His eyes caused Matthew to know that he wanted to follow the Saviour at once. God’s Word says, “He left all, rose up, and followed him.” (Luke 5:28). After Jesus returned to Heaven, God used Matthew to write the first book in the New Testament. Can you think of some of the things that Matthew had to give up? His friends, his business and his wealth had to be left that he might serve the Lord. Not one of these things was wrong, but they all became sin­ ful when Matthew gave them first place in his life when that place real­ ly belonged to God. Matthew made a great feast at his house for Jesus. Many sinners were invited to the f e a s t , for Matthew wanted all of his friends to know that he was now a friend of the Saviour. Perhaps you have never received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Sav­ iour, for you have loved other people and other things more than you have loved Him. Will you hear Him say, “Follow me,” and like Matthew, quick­ ly follow the Saviour? The joy and love that He will give to you will be far greater than anything that you may have to leave to becpme His friend. Send for FREE copy of fl STUDY IN PROPHECY — A 12-page Scriptural study Christian Witness to Israel Rm. 205, 69 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 3. N. Y. WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing; Bible School— “ built with prayer.*' The Rood clim ate and mountain scenery o f the famed Co­ lumbia River are an added inspiration. Accredited courses. FR EE tuition, strong faculty« devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free for a Year to All Inquirers. M U LTNOMAH School o f the B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Pres. B. B. Sutcliffe, D .D ., John G. Mitchell, D.D Chairman ot Trustee Board Vice-President 703 NflS. Multnomah S t.. Portland 12, G regor

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