King's Business - 1945-03



LESSON FOR APRIL 21 Fellowship with the Living Lord LESSON MATERIAL: Luke 24:13-21, 25-31. GOLDEN TEXTi "They said one' tb an­ other, Did not our- .heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" /Luke 24:32). Outline and Exposition I. T he L oss of F ellowship (Lute 24:13-21) Two men on the road to Emmaus, reasoning about the crucifixion of Je­ sus, present a pathetic picture. With the death of Christ, their hopes had been blasted. They were unable to believe the new and strange rumor that He was alive again. The rea­ son for their disquietude was revealed in their answer to a question concern­ ing their grief: They stated that Jesus was a “prophet,” whereas a few' days before they would have replied: “Jésus is Messiah.” They referred to Him here in the past tense. Although Hé had been “mighty in deed and Word,” He wàs déad and gone. Certainly if He had been no more than a prophet, the right thing was done when “our rulers ; , . crucified him.” if He wéré not what He claimed to be, thé Son of God, and Messiah of Israel, He was truly a blâs- phemer, worthy of death. These disciples had “ trusted" that Jesus .was the One who “should have redeemed Israel.” They had believed that. He was .the Messiah because of the works He had performed, but the fearful fact, of His crucifixion had al­ most obliterated their trust. Their fal­ tering faith brought thèm into a 'pa ­ thetic state of uncertainty and discon­ tent, and loss of fellowship with God. . II. T he G aining of F ellowship (Luke 24: 25-31) Their “slowness of heart to believe all that the prophets had written” had to be .taken away. They believed the part of the prophecies which revealed the Messiah as the reigning monarch and restorer of Israel; their eyes Were closed to the predictions of Him as the suffering Messiah — Saviour. Only fools want the glory and refuse the suffering. The risen Jesus gave these disciples an exposition of what the prophets, had written, “ beginning at Moses and all the prophets . . , in all the scriptures.” All of the inspired writers told of both “ the sufferings . . and the glory that should follow” (1 Pet. 1:11). Until both aspects are believed, fellowship will be impaired and discouragement will result. As these disciples listened to the greatest of all Bible teachers, Jesus Himself, their hearts burned within them and

Moody Alumni in and around Los Angeles—-Please Note! * u Because the Moody Alumni file for the Los Angèles area has been lost, Mrs. William scharf, secretary of thç Alumni Association here in Southern California^ is most anxious to build up another file and is asking that all Moody Alumni living in this area send’ in their names and addresses to the Church Office, Church of the Open. Door, 55g S. Hope St.f Los Angeles 13, attention Mrs. William Scharf., _ Evangelist EDWARD F. BENNETT

With more than 17 years of fruitful service in church revival^ campaigns, jail work, and city missions. A ministry blessed with many -souls won to Christ. Now open for evangelistic calls Endorsed by nationally known Christian leaders as Charles E. Fuller, Harry O. Anderson, and John E. Brown. May be addressed 2014 Third Ave., Los Angeles 16, Calif, or Phone PArkway 0690 Former student of Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Cries From War Torn Europe j F e K l t h , W t0 send them financial help immediately. Missionaries from troiana write the following: heartbreaking letters from-our Missionaries in Europe. They

• “ As we write this letter to you,’ our eyes are filled with tears because we are now in dire need. We plead with you and other Christian friends to help us. Dp not turn us down! All that we had was destroyed during'the war, and now We are left without shoes, clothing and food.” . - A Christian Mother in Russia paid the price of two cows for one Russian Bible, so that her son could have, a Bible before the Nazis deported him to Germany. Other pleas are coming from Belgium, France, Sweden, Iran, China, and South America. The doors are opening, and great opportunities lie before us. We must’ invade these fields With the Gospel, as-soon as the Lord provides the means. We- must* continue to support the Russian Bible Institutes in Toronto, Canada and in Argentina, South America.

Money can now be sent direct to Soviet Russia for Missionary work. Cries for New Testaments, and gospel literature are con­ stantly coming to us from all these fields. A Russian Mission Home is greatly needed in Chicago. Will you pray for these urgent needs, and if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, send your gifts a.nd make checks payable to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION , INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director 64 West Randolph Street, Dept. KB, Chicago, 1, Illinois Order new book, “ TWICE BORN RUSSIAN,” life story of Peter Deyneka, 131 pages, cloth bound, $1.25, paper cover, 75c. Illustrated Russian Gospel News Sent Free on Request Peter Deyneka

B O Y S A N D G I R L S ' ; - - ^ E D U C A T E D T O G E T H E R Campus*life at John Brown University brings America's finest young men and women in normal Christian, social and scholastic relationships.

Realizing the necessity of boyand girl relationship in the normal life of the youth of today, this university has designed courses of special interest to young women as well as vocational, and commercial training for both men and women. Homemakers' courses of interest to girls include Music and Home Economics Dress Styling and Foods. ACADEMIC, VOCATIONAL AND BIBLE COLLEGES d , j - c ° ■ ;.« « » - J — F a c i l i t i e s — . Business and Accounting Agriculture 5000 Watt Radio Station " Airfield Journalism and Printing Aeronautics print Shop Classrooms Electricity and Radio Bible Classes Laboratories Concert Halls Mechanics and Engineering • Music School 1 Diversified Farms - Machine Shops Training man-end women for living that counts. BROWN UNIVERSITY J S S - : ' ' ' S H O A M S PR I NG S; ■ARK . . ,

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