King's Business - 1945-03


MARCH, 1946

that some women had seen Jesus alive. While they talked about their Lord whom they believed to be dead, “Jesus himself drew near, and went with them” (Luke 24:15). The two Were so certain that their Lord was dead that they did not know that. it was He who had joined them. As they walked with Jesus, He asked them why they were so sad. They told Him about the death of their Lord, and how some women had gone to His tomb and had found that His body was not there. When the three came to Emmaus; Jesus started to go farther; but His two friends asked Him to stay with them since it was near evening. He accepted their invitation and went with them to their home. As they ate supper, Jesus took the bread, thanked God for the food, broke the bread, and gave it to them to eat just as He had done at other times. As He did this, the friends knew that He was their Lord whom they had believed to be dead. The moment that they knew Him, He disappeared out of their sight. How happy their hearts were! They knew that their Saviour had risen from the dead just as He had promised them He would do. The two men hurried to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples that their Lord was alive again. God’s Word tells us that “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). If your heart is filled with sadness or loneliness, t a l k i n g with the Lord Jesus will make you joyful again. A few minutes spent with Him in pray­ er and in reading some of the beauti­ ful verses from His Word will cause you, too, to want to tell others about your risen Lord.

they believed. Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread, their fellowship with Him was regained, and immediately they set out to give the glad news to the other disciples. Points and Problems 1. "And they talked together of all these things" (v. 14). The words “talk­ ed together” come from the Greek word “ homileo” from which comes our word “homiletics,” meaning the art o f preaching. Preaching at first was largely conversational in style; men just talked to each other about the Lord Jesus. In this sense, every Christian is called to be a preacher. 2. "He made as though he would have gone further" (v. 28). Without an Invitation, the Lord would not have entered their homes. He was hoping to be invited, willing to enter, but would not impose Himself upon un­ willing subjects. It is always so. The Lord wants to save and bless men but He waits for willing, welcoming hearts. The same principle is illus­ trated in Mark 6:48. 3. "But they constrained him" (v. 29). This is a very strong expression. The disciples well-nigh used force to compel the Lord to come into their home. It was, however, a courteous and wholehearted constraint. There was nothing they wanted so much as the presence of this Visitor in their home. When there is this longing for the Son of God, one may be sure that there will be a ready response on His part. In only one other place does this verb “constrain” occur in the New Testament (Acts 16:15). 4. "As he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them" (v. 30).. A significant scene of great beauty .is this. Jesus, having been Invited into this home, shortly assumed the place of headship at the table of His friends. As He led in the breaking of bread and in the blessing of it, the disciples recognized their risen Lord. In Jesus’ act of assuming Lordship in this home, we have a beautiful demonstra­ tion of His rightful place in every Christian home. Happy is that home of which Christ is the head. For the Children Two F r ie n d s T a l k W it h J e s u s L u k e 24:13, 15, 16, 28-31 MEMORY VERSE: “He is risen” (Mark 16:6). A FTER the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified upon the cross, and buried, His friends were sad and lone­ ly. Three days after Jesus’ death, two of .His friends were walking to their home in a village called Emmaus. They could not believe the reports


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