LESSON FOR APRIL 28 The Development of a Rocklike Character LESSON MATERIAL: John 1:42: Mark 8:27-29; Luke 22:54-57, 61, 62; John 21:15-17; Acts 5:29. GOLDEN TEXT: “ We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). Outline and Exposition I. T he P rophecy of a R ocklike Jesus knew perfectly what Simon was by nature, “Thou art Simon” ; the impetuous, the failing, fearful one. But Jesus also knew what Simon would become by His grace, “Thou shalt be” : altogether different al though the change would come through difficult and bitter experi ences. II. T he G rowth of a R ocklike C haracter (Mark 8:27-29; Luke 22:54-57, 61, 62; John 21:15-17) The process of Simon’s becoming Cephas began by his learning who Je sus really was (Mark 8:27-29). Jesus was above John the Baptist, greater than Elijah or any of the prophets; He was the Christ, the Son of the liv ing God, and Simon got a good start in spiritual growth when he thus rec ognized and acknowledged Christ. Simon had to learn what fallen hu man nature was (Luke 22:54-57, 61, 62). He hesitated to publicly associ ate himself with Jesus when He was surrounded by enemies: “Peter fol lowed afar off.” Self drove Peter to deny that he was even an acquaint ance of Jesus. He had no knowledge of his own heart to show him that he could so glibly deny his Lord; he be lieved he would stand for Him in any company, but he had to learn that- he could not trust himself. The charac ter of fallen human nature is fully known to Jesus; Peter’s denial did not surprise Him, nor did it cool His love for poor Peter. But, when Peter’s own deceptive, sinful heart was revealed to him, he repented with bitter tears for his tragic failure. Moreover, Peter had to learn the road back to fellowship (John 21:15-17). That road led to confession of his sinfulness, and to throwing him self entirely upon the grace and un derstanding of Jesus. He was thereby restored, not only to fellowship with Christ, but to his high position as an apostle, charged with feeding the Lord’s sheep. Peter’s transformation by the Spirit of God is one of the most encourag ing stories of the entire Word of God. His character was so faulty, so like our own, and yet God did so much for him and through him, that his expe rience increases our faith. We feel that if God’s grace could so operate in his life, there is hope for all. C haracter (John 1:42)
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