King's Business - 1945-03

The C ook B ook EveryWoman has Been Waiting for It’s yours! Read the letter below in which Miss Mann tells you how to get this Cook Book .

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FOOD For the Body

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Appetizers and Soups Fish and Meat Dishes Vegetable Cookery Salads Breads Cakes, Cookies, Desserts Foreign Dishes Children’s Recipes Quantity Recipes Preserves Household Hints Pies

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ni e the Soul


« the Word Feasting on m vv j . Life-Giving Vitamins As You Go Overseas prayer Time Mother’s Day Prayer of a Young Wife Father’s Day Not by Bread Alone Priority Rights of Christ A Heathen Woman’s Face Are All the Children In? Victory Gardens A BOOK BRIMMING WITH BLESSINGS 140 pages, 6 x 9 inches with beautiful photographic illustrations . . . ' an ' at- . tractive luminated cover you can clean with a damp cloth , , , plastic binding so the book opens flat and stays open and best- of all 240

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tested recipes. ALL YOURS FREE with 1 year subscription to The .WAY magazine. Every Issue of The WAY Magazine— Indispensable 68 pages—24 pages of pictures, 4 colors, and 4 picture, stories. Special features of recent issue: The Sermon That Changed History: The. World’s Strongest Secret Weapon,, by Dr. Walter A. .Staler;. Church Dedication in China, a picture story; “ I Was Arrested By the Gestapo," written by a Norwegian missionary; a De- , votional Article, "Cheer Up! There's Nothing to Worry About” ; a symposium on "What is the Church’s No. 1 Task’’—answered by a college president, a newspaper cartoonist, an editor, and a seminary, professor; also a dozen other articles, picture stories, special features, etc., Including monthly department, ’’ ’Round the World in religious thought and action, and "Book Digests, - regular department. M A I L C O U P O N T O The WAY, Dept. KB-3, 330 S. Wells St. D A Y °* Chicago 6, HI.

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