King's Business - 1945-03


M ARCH , 1946

“P’s.” Color one “P” yellow, and the other blue. Color the 3 “D’s” yellow and the 3 “C’s” blue. Place the “D’s,” the cross, and the “C’s” between the “P’s” in the order mentioned, and fasten to the left side of the black­ board. Place the thumbtacks with the stem alongside of the paper, but not through it, thus allowing the hidden pieces to be removed without being torn.) Lesson: Here is a packed “P” about which I want to tell you. The “P” is yellow, and stands for a person who was at one time a coward. “Do you mean Peter?” I hear some­ one say. Yes, because he feared, and denied his Lord. The “P” is packed, so we will unpack it. F i r s t , we find 3 “D’s,” which remind us of the three times Peter denied Christ. This was before Christ died on the cross. Next, we find a red cross, reminding us of the cross of Christ. After the crucifixion and resurrec­ tion, Peter was changed. Examining the packed “P” further, we find a blue “P.” Blue is the color for loyalty. We will pin it to the right of the cross. As we look again in the packed “P,” we find 3 blue “C’s,” which tell us of the three confessions Peter made ex­ pressing his love and loyalty to Christ. How glad Peter must have been to have had an opportunity three times to express his loyalty to Christ, after having denied Him thrice. "As there comes a warm sun­ beam into every cottage window, so comes the love-beam of God's care and pity for every separate need.” —Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Because they saw Him, their lives were changed: they went back to Jerusalem, “Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread” (Luke 24:34, 35). Fourth Week “P” P lus

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Objects: A capital “P,” a red cross, three “D’s,” and three “C’s.” (Make these by using five pieces of white paper 8 Vz x 11 inches. Fold all to­ gether, m a k i n g the Size 4% x 11 inches. With the fold to your left, cut up 7 inches from the bottom, V 2 inch away from the bottom, % inch away from the fold. At this point, turn to the right and complete the curved portion of the “P,” ending at the top of the paper. Remove one of the dou­ ble “P’s,” and cut off a s u f f i c i e n t amount of the curved portion to leave a cross. Color this cross red, and re­ fold. Split the other pieces down the fold, and you will have 8 “P’s.” Cut the upright from 6 of these, and you will have 6 “D’s,” Cut the center upright out of 3 of the “D’s,” and you will have 3 "C’s.” This will leave 2

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