MARCH, 1946
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THE BIBLE ¿ W TtfOTR^Vf Here is the answer to the world’s need— the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And to this challenge the Bible Institute of Los Angeles earnestly pledges itself.
• Founded nearly 40 years ago on the Word of God • Nearly 9000 have enrolled in our courses • Tuition is, and has always been free • Our present student body is the largest in our history • We depend upon your gifts for our support
i ininniiiusinn •NeORf•RATIO 558 S. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES 13, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: Please send me the folder on “ personal spon sorship" of students. Name .... ....................................................................................................... Address City and State .............................................................................................
You may assist in the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles by cash gifts, by bequests in your will, or by having part in our plan of personal sponsorship” for individual students. The cost of tuition for a student for one year is approximately $125.00. You are invited to mite for further details.
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