King's Business - 1945-03



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . * «»at» par word—minimum $ 1.00 j p p f D A IL Y b i b l b r e a d e r s c l u b . H elp* children and adult* become daily Bible readers. W rit# for full Information. See also our other advertisem ents on this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K . B ox 232, Eugene. Oregon. F A IV R E A N N O T A T E D N E W T E S T A - M E N T . English 40 cents, bound copies 85 cents. French, German, 60 cents. Alice Fontannaz, 506 Oakdale A v e., Chicago 14. Illinois. K ._________________________ S h W E F F E C T IV E TR A C T S F R E E IN any quantity for distribution to the un- Bavedi -'W h a t H ave Y O U Done W ith C H R IS T ? ‘The M ost Important Question o f Today,” "Ju d ge or Saviour,” "T h e R es- "P rep are N O W for the G R E A T E S T E V E N T in the W O R L D ’S H IS T O R Y .” Address N eal E . H u ff, 611 S. Broadway. Pittsburg, K ansas._________________ C ORRE C T A N D SIN G A B L E MU SIC S E T - t ln g f o r your hym n-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. N ew books. Poetic M etre— Explained, 25c. E st. 1918. Raym ond Iden (K B ) Mount Vernon, Ohio. ____________ C OM P L E T E S S t B IB L E F ILM STR IP S (600 pictures) 624, either testam ent 613. A lso projectors, hymn and m ission film - ■trips, etc. See our other advertisements this page. Christian Education Company. D ept. K , B ox J232, Eugene, Oregon. P A C IF IC SCHOO L O P JO U RN A L ISM , Bell­ flower. California, for literary help. Con­ ducted by Christian editor, author, story- w riter. A ssistance by m ail and in class­ ro om s^ ______________________ * I * • • * A T H O M E ! D E F IN IT E Christian service. Particulars free. W rite R ev. W m . Sw aan, D ept. K .B . 2806 W . 23rd A v e., Vancouver, B . C. __________ T H E W IL S O N IN D E X SY S T EM O F F IL - lng and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Bible students. Cir­ culars upon request. W ilson Index Com ­ pany, E a st H addam , Conn. _____________ S T R E N G T H E N C H R IST IA N H OM E S, B Y introducing T H E C H R IST IA N P A R E N T , m onthly national parent m agazine on Bible basis (includes dally devotions for children) $1.50 year, 5 subscriptions or years $5.00. Children love T H E C H IL D R E N ’S HOUR , w eekly paper w ith stories that help chil­ dren love Jesus, 50 cents year, less in Quantity. See our other advertisem ents this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K , B ox 232, Eugene, Oregon. „ H O U SE P A IN T E R . R E L I- a b l e , will do your painting. Fair w ages. Part proceeds go to m issionary work. A d - dress Painter, 1012 W . F irst S t., Los A n ge­ les 12, Calif.

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You will want this new movable, realistic, picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline prob­ lems solved. Give it a try In your class. You’ll be sur­ prised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to—

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