King's Business - 1921-03

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SERVICE 0 , strengthen me, that while I stand Firm on the Rock and strong in Thee, I may stretch out a loving hand To wrestlers with the troubled sea.

Not by might, nor by power, bnt by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts. 4:6 Zech.

March 1921

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They contain the strongest articles obtainable on fundamental subjects of the Christian faith, written by noted Biblical scholars. Every article is true to the Book. Thousands were blessed through the free copies of these books sent out to Christian work­ ers. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has in stock several thou­ sand volumes, of different numbers, and chiefly for the purpose of putting them into circulation where they will do some good at a time when such messages are needed as never before, this offer is made in connection with THE KING’S BUSINESS. Remember—with EVERY NEW SUBSCRIPTION we will give one of these books, the books to be sent by us free of charge to any addresses furnished us. Here is your o p p o rtunity to do more good with a dollar than you ever did before. Put THE KING’S BUSINESS into a home for a year and get someone to reading these vital Bible studies given in FUNDAMENTALS. Get your orders in right away. Subscription price in the U. S. only $1; Foreign $1.24.


T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: “I,the Lord, do keep it, I w ill water it every moment, lest any hurt it, / w ill keep it night and day. = = = = = = = t ........ ■ -'■■■ = Isa. 27:3 '.......' ............................. ■ P U B L IS H E D M O N T H L Y BY T H E BIBLE I N S T I T U T E O F LO S A N G E L E S 536-558 SO U TH H O PE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910. at tke Post Office at Los Angeles, California ■ under the Act of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918. Volume XII March, i q 2 i . Number 3 Furnish us names and addresses of worthy missionaries or Christian- workers who would enjoy The King’s Business, and we will send the maga­ zine to them free. CONTENTS Editorials: A Stinging Editorial <214), Fatp.1 Compromises (214), Startling Scintillations (215), Good News from Russia (216), Is Christianity or ,the Human Race on Trial? (217), Fizz, Figures and Facts (218), Science and Sympathy (219). Song—Inside the Veil, by J. Wilbur Chapman and Chas H. Marsh (221) Sentence Sermons (222) Rev. T . C . H O R T O N . Editor in Chief Rev, KEITH L BROOKS, Managing Editor A LA N S. PEARCE, Ad9. Manager Contributing Editors DR. F. W . FARR DR. FRENCH E. OUV ER REV. WM . H. PIKE DR. A . C . D IXON

Don’t Haul Down the Flag—By Rev.-John MacNeil (224) The Truth About the Daw—By Charles C. Cook (227) Divine Healing—By A. T. Pierson (231) Assured Results of Scholarship—A Story (234) How to Study the Psalms—-By Rev. Wm. H. Pike (236) Bible Institute Happenings (238) Notes on the Jews and Prophecy (250) Thoughts for Unsaved People (251) International Bessons (253) : Dally Devotional Readings—By Dr. Frederic W. Farr (282) Editorial Afterthoughts (290) Evangelistic Stories (240) feomiletical Helps (248)

When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Offlcs of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, S34-66S South Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to Bibit Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected with the Bible Institute.




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1 9 2 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 SUBSCRIBERS for THE K ING ’S BUSINESS ! There it is ! Our prayer is answered ! It was a splendid work, and we want to thank every one of you who so generously aided us. Think of what it may mean to our Lord through the lives of the new friends! Defending the faith once for all delivered; deepening the con­ sciousness of the perils confronting the believers in these last days ; deliver­ ing many from the delusions and deadening power of false teaching; de­ veloping and strengthening the faith of the saints.; delighting thè Lord by stirring hearts to the work of saving the souls of the lost, and hastening His coming. Only eternity will reveal what one number of the magazine may do in the furthering of His blessed work ! We are seeking no vain glory* What has been wrought is in answer to prayer, and He must have all the glory. We must walk humbly and softly before Him and seek to make the magazine better than ever. N O W FOR 1921 A N EW M A RK— 5 0 ,0 0 0 ! Does it look big? Not now—to us. Just keep up the good work, setting aside a little for the propaganda, investing a wee bit in this venture for the Lord. LESS T H A N TW O C E N T S A WEEK A child’s job. Put some of.them to saving that amount. Then, there are the larger things. One church in a New York town subscribed for 134 copies ; a church in Oklahoma, for 100 copies ; one in Wisconsin for 100 copies ; one in Minnesota for 50 copies ; one ini California for 45 copies. One Sunday School in Los Angeles subscribes for 968 copies for its Home Department, and 225 copies for the main school. These are only a few of the large demands for a magazine that carries a Sunday School department greatly appreciated. We believe in the magazine ourselves, and asked the members of the church of which the writer is.Associate Pastor to give us a Christmas pres­ ent of a subscription so that we might gladden the heart of some mission­ ary or minister, and in response to this request they gave us nearly $600.00. We don’t want to wait until the end vof the year to stir your hearts, but ask you to DO IT NOW! REMEMBER a volume of the Fundamentals will be given with each subscription. (See the notice on front inside cover).

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A ST ING ING Editorial ‘The Presbyterian,” of Philadelphia, has stood for ninety years as a defender of the faith, standing for the old Bible and a whole Bible. In a re­ cent editorial it says: “The Presbyterian Church, having been bitterly stung by the Interchurch World Movement, is now stirring up a nest of hornets that, in their power to stimulate activity, may rival the lively'band of insects that accelerated the retreat of the ancient unbelievers who ventured tio think that, while dishonoring God by their unbelief, they could take possession of the land of promise. Experience as a teacher has long since been proved to be incompetent. The devil’s alternative of war is compromise. We made ,a compromise with the Interchurch World Movement, and were stung. Full-lunged promoters of that imperious syndicate gave form to their hallucinations m the propaganda that if wePwere to “convert the money power of the world, the kingdom of God would come in a day.” Lured by the promise of this man-made millennium we pur- chased by notie of hand, their worthless debentures and we are now passing the hat to pay the piper for the merry dance they gave us. It smells^ of the curb mar­ ket and in the idiotic desire to hide our folly we are attempting to refund f the loss Through its assumption ,as “a debt of honor.” But nobody is deceived by any such sanctimonious pretense. We all know that we have been stung and that we are now treating ourselves with a pietistic massage to alleviate the pain. Let us pay and forgetl it,” said a prominent layman from the West. Quite so, but let us not for­ get what the experience may yet teach us. . The church is again facing the devil’s alternative. The proposed plan of organic union is an undisguised compromise. If we compromise we shall be again stung. We had better fight and thereby escape the irritation and cost of the sting. We cannot quote all of this splendid editorial, but we can rejoice in the sound, sane, sensible position it takes concerning this Interchurch-World Movement whose incompetent and irresponsible leaders a,re now seeking to impart the defunct and decayed body by clothing it with a new title and foisting it upon the gullible membership of the evangelical church. The plan is for an organic union. That means a fundamental union. The devil never lets up. He does not waste much time looking after the wicked. He has them, and they go on in their wicked ways. But he is long on religion and always has been. He is great on unions. He will join any system of re­ ligion, and put in his best efforts, provided they will eliminate the blood ot Jesus Christ. He hates Christ and well he may for Christ is to bruise his head in due season. How can there be any union of believers and unbelievers? Of those who believe in the great fundamental doctrines of the Bible, and those who deny the essentials of the faith? The very suggestion is a stab at the heart of our Lord. “ What concord hath Christ with Belial (the worthless, lawless one) ? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And every denier of the verity of the Scriptures and the essential Deity of Jesus Christ is an infidel. (See Noah Webster’s definition of infidelity). \ T. C. H. FA T A L Compromises Every compromise that has ever been made by the evangelical Christians has been fatal to the interests of the church. The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Word of God and the Holy Defender of the Faith. He never leads into, nor does He ever sanction any departure from the faith. There can be no honest compromise with error. Compromise is the first step towards apos-

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 215 tasy, and the truth of this can be readily seen today in the condition of some onee great religious organizations which now tolerate and commend infidel preachers and ‘‘shorter Bibles.’’ God separates the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares. If you have gone into any such combination, come out ! Be separate ! Do not give your money ; do not spend your time ; do not waste your energies ; do not hurt the heart of your loving Lord by any affiliation in any manner with the wicked works of the enemy of souls, By so doing you degrade your Lord, sacrifice His interests, belittle yourself, grieve the Holy Spirit who lives in you, become a stumbling block to the unsaved, and lose your spiritual power for service. v jgflf Come out ! Stand fast in the faith ! Quit you like men ! Be strong ! Keep clear from every entanglement of'the enemy ! Be loyal to your own evangel­ ical church, but do not compromise, with the devil, nor with his emissaries no matter how sweet and pious they may seem. T. C. H. STARTL ING Scintillations The door has been opened into the other world! A light has come from a dark place,! After many weeks around the ouija board a message has come to which one may pin their faith! It is a long story, but we will scissor it down. In brief it is th is: Ella Wheeler Wilcox, said to be a poetess, had a husband and he journeyed on and shut the door behind him. She was greatly distressed about his welfare and the existing conditions in the region to which he had gone. She possess­ ed no Bible, no faith, but she believed that if it were possible he would com­ municate with her. After months and years of vain effort, a ray of hope broke in upon her darkened soul. There was a High Priestess of the oc­ cult, living in California, who was her friend. The Priestess had a ouija board which she operated with Ella and behold! a message seemed to come from Robert. Though still in dark doubt about Robert’s health and welfare, she was compelled to leave the Priestess for a time. Again they met, and the Priest­ ess was informed that many people had tried, but could not get the board down to business. Now it began to Work again and Robert gave a message. An old* friend named “ Lida” had come in, and Robert gave them this intensely interesting message: “ Lida is a good sport and Ella (his wife) is the dearest thing on earth. Time will reveal God’s place to you. Good night.” (We suppose it was time for him to retire, and he couldn’t be expected to sit up late, or perhaps curfew rang.) m But the next message was of deep interest to the Priestess. Robert on this occasion requested his wife to give,one of his scarf pins to the Priestess, which she did. Then some sort of coldness crept in and Robert refused to give any more messages excepting through the Priestess. Then he got to talking about Indian “ Phoolosophy” which did not interest the ladies very much, and finally introduced “ Fanny” to them. In reply to the question, “ Who is Fanny?” he replied, “ Fanny Crosby,” and said Fanny wanted him to write -a new hymn for her!


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Now this was going a little too strong for us, for Fanny Crosby— blessed soul—while, blind of sight here, had a heavenly vision and knew where she was going. Dear old saint! You couldn’t have persuaded her to touch a ouija board. So after reading four columns of newspaper write­ up, we. came to the conclusion that a cog had slipped somewhere. Poor Priestess ! She has the pin. And, poor Ella ! She had the heart­ ache and longed to hear from Robert. And this is a sample of the tommy- rot called Spiritualism. God save our children from the despair of dark­ ened, deluded souls ! “ With wistful eye,” says “ The Sword and Trowel,” “ the Lord’s poeple have been watching the vast country of Russia, and for many months have wondered what was happening to Christian work and people there. At last news comes to hand of a most stirring and encouraging character, and we feel our prayers are being answered beyond all expectation. It appears that the Soviet government puts no obstacles in the way of the person or activity of any evangelical movement. They are allowed to freely prosecute their work.” One Russian pastor says, “ We now need tens of thousands of pastors. Many churches and sanctuaries will be turned over to us for Gospel pur­ poses. Priests of Greek and Catholic churches are in great disappointment and despair. The people are fleeing from them in masses, but with us at every meeting, when a call is made for repentance, sinners come forward to accept Jesus Christ.” Madame Yasnovsky, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in London, and who has been an earnest Christian worker in Petrograd during the past ten or twelve years, writes to an English friend in a letter June 20, 1920, “ We had a convention in Moscow a little while ago, and I carried away such an impression of God bringing a great awakening into our poor country of which we have had no conception until now. Whole districts are being brought to Christ, and the demand for Bibles and spiritual litera­ ture is growing greater and greater. There are signs of a coming revival which, to my mind, shall sweep through the whole of Europe, taking its beginning here. A great awakening is coming on in .the people. The demand for evangelists is coming from all sides of Russia. We cannot get sufficient Bibles, so great is the demand for .them. “ We often have conversions and baptisms, and members unite with us. Many of our members have gone to other provinces seeking bread, but we thought it better to stay here, and do God’s work, trusting that He will provide. “ One time I thought I would die for I had only bones left on my emaciated body, but since I am here in the Dom Evangelia (their church building) I feel better, as I get bread.” With these glad tidings of spiritual revival there is the sad side of great physical need. If one has read a recent article in the ‘‘Saturday Evening Post,” one is made to wonder how anybody in Petrograd can get T. C. H. G o o d n e w s from Russia

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 217 through the winter alive. Bad sanitary conditions and famine have been killing the people by the thousands. It seems impossible to send material help to our Christian friends in Russia. We can reach them only in prayer by way of God’s throne. —A. C. D. £[<£. a» a» I s CHR IST IAN ITY or the Human Race on Trial? A pamphlet has had wide circulation recently, urging people to a most worthy and needed action in sending relief immediately to the poor little starving children in Eastern and Central Europe ! We feel that swift action is necessary to save these monuments of the frightful frenzy of war from starvation or death by exposure to fatal sickness which will surely sweep relentlessly upon them. The object of my protest is the type of material used in the supposed sermonic material which is involved in thé pamphlet. The statement is made : ‘ t Christianity is on trial, ’’ in connection with many other asser­ tions which follow under the heading : 11Christian Civilization Is On Trial.” This “ Source Material For Sermons” has emanated from some mail order supply house and it looks as though it has the Mark of the Beast on the proposition when you read the list of organiza­ tions which are federated in the enterprise, some of which are Anti-Chris­ tian absolutely, and all are unscriptural in their pronouncement! “ Chris­ tianity is on trial !” , •> The assertion that “ Christian Civilization Is On Trial” is absurd! There is no such thing as Christian Civilization in any nation of the earth today. There are Christian men and women and children, but there are no Christian nations: There is not a nation on earth today which has arrived at the standard set up in the Ten Commandments. Murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, blasphemers, covetous and ungodly people out­ number the regenerated people possibly five to one throughout the earth at the present time; and moral conditions, as set forth by the juvenile court records, are increasingly bad among the young people everywhere. The trick of the devil is to throw the blame on Christ and Christianity. He is the “ accuser” of God and man. If he can get humanity to the point of a controversy with God and Christianity, his work of further debauching the race will be greatly prospered. Humanity is on trial! Let it grip your hearts! Humanity is on trial! Every time the race has been given an opportunity for the upward look, and the upward walk, the devil has set a trap or engaged in trench warfare, and the self-confident sons of men have fallen into the snares and pitfalls. Man, in his blind atheism, has sought to get on to perfect self-content­ ment apart from God. He does not reckon with God as to his origin or destiny! The educational institutions are wallowing in actual atheism! The authors of text books on lines pertaining to the origin and development of man claim to be “ Christian evolutionists.” I want to state positively there are no Christian evolutionists, as there are no Christian atheists! EVOLUTION IS THE DEVIL’S COUNTERFEIT OF GOD’S DOCTRINE OF CREATION !

218 T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Considerable interest in Bible Conferences has been aroused by some • of our religious leaders recently. They have preached fundamental truths with the earnestness of men of purpose and destiny, but I feel that if some of the money that is being invested in conferences in America and China could be put into text books written from a scriptural standpoint, and placed in the hands of the few remaining colleges which have respect for the faith of the young men and women, we could make an impression upon the generation following. The claim, of educated infidels in our churches and educational centres is, that the “ scientific viewpoint” eliminates the Bible story of creation! This is the work of the devil, and those institu­ tions which have sold their birthright for a mess of Carnegie financial pottage have done so on the basis of denying God’s authority in all human affairs. —F. E. 0 . F iz z , Figures and Facts The Methodist Bishop, H. M. DuBose, sent out a Christmas message to the world in which he said: “ Christ has come to the world at this Christmastide of 1920 in a sense fuller than ever before. He has more truly bruised the head of the serpent and war. He has given to men a deeper sense of sin, a more certain yearning for peace. I feel the pulse of a coming resurgence. The reddest vial of the world’s woe has been poured out, its Golgotha is newly past; the numbering and testing days of the sepulchre are not wholly spent, yet the resurrection is nigh. The world is not a criminal bound in the chains of hopelessness, but is a, corrected child, not yet fully conscious of the sin which prevents the coming to it of the Galilean life. The heresy of modern premillennialism is near akin to Antichrist. It reads over the Bethlehem cradle the horoscope of failure. It ascribes to it the portent of might without the power of fulfilment.” Literary Digest, same week say s: “Human life was never as insecure as it is today. * * Veritable epidemic of crime throughout the world. * * All large cities complaining of crime, one fea­ ture of which is the extent of youthful criminality. * * The ease with which thugs and gunmen can make their escape in automobiles after a crime is a factor in the situation-crime is easier. * * *A regular deluge of murders, burglaries, robberies and every kind of violence and lawlessness. * * * In New. York City the past year, 100 unsolved murders; unrecovered losses through thefts, $3,- 100,000. * * * In Chicago 68 unsolved murders. * * * in Philadel­ phia 100 murders in eleven months and as many as 50 holdups in one day. * * * Pittsburg, 20 per cent increase in crime, with 13 unsolved murders at present; * * * Boston, holdups by gunmen increasingly numerous. * * * San Francisco, crimes of violence greatly increased since advent of prohibition, etc, etc, throughout the world. Bible, same week sa y s: “Iniquity shall abound—the love of many shall wax cold.” * * * “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse.” * * * “i n the last days perilous times shall come.”; * * * “As in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.” * * * “When they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction cometh upon them.” * * * “That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” * * * “Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 219 The Scriptures and the “ signs” seem to agree. The good Bishop begs to differ with both. Thus do those who have been taught to “ think above what is written” frantically strive to keep their heads above water and save a man-made program of “ social salvation.” But is there any true optimism in shutting one’s eyes to the prophecies and the facts, merely to save a program? Those' who believe the plain statements of Scripture and are following God’s plan for this age, will be busy leading souls to Christ, for He is '“ taking out a people for His name” (Acts 15:14) and when the “ fullness of the Gentiles” (Rom. 11:25) is brought in, He Him­ self is coming back. There is nothing embarrassing about that program, whatever the conditions in the world, and those who have zealously followed it will rejoice at His coming, for they will have nothing to take back—no apologies to make. ^ L. B. “ SCIENCE” and Sympathy One of the worst forms of robbery is the withholding of sympathy and helpful ministry where they are needed and where we can give it. God has given us eyes to see suffering, tongues to speak for Him and hands through which His compassion may be shown. The secret of sympathy lies in having the spirit of Christ who was- “ touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” As we are like Him, we will be compassionate to all suffering and responsive to all sorrow. Christ Himself is the Master-Comforter because He can in the truest sense put Himself in the place of the suffering one. The'word “ sympathy” means “ suffering with”—and implies a putting of ourselves in another man’s place. Hence no selfish person can be truly sympathetic. Today we have a system of religion that teaches, as Dr. Torrey has said, “ crystalized selfishness.” That system is Bddyism. District Attorney Woolwine of Los Angeles County recently started a campaign to punish Christian Scientists for this very thing—the wicked neglect of their own suffering loved ones; little children left in agony; aged sufferers left to die for the want of a little attention. And Christian Science teaches ex­ actly this. Here are a few quotations from their text book to prove i t : “Neither sympathy nor society should ever tempt us to hear about error (suffering is defined as error of mortal mind. When a sufferer, in other words relates his condition, the consistent Eddyite will stop his ears). “If an invalid becomes impatient with your explanation of Christian Science and is unwilling to investigate Science, obey the Scripture command and come out from among them and be ye separate.” “If the case is that of a young child, it needs to be met through the parents’ thouerht silently or audibly on the basis of Christian Science. * * * A mother runs tlo her child who has hurt her face. The successful method of treating is to say “Oh non-sense” (no-sense material) “You are not hurt, so don’t ¡think you are. \ sick agk aj,out their disease, assure them that they ithink too much about their ailment and have already heard too much on that subject.” ,«It is no more Christianly scientific to see disease than it is to experience it.” “So long as drugs are administered, or external application prescribed, illness cannot be treated by Christian Science. You must abide by the divine principle of your demonstration.*” ' , _ „ ., ■, ... I If anyone wants tbe exact references for the above, we will gladly furnish them. These are Mrs. Eddy’s teachings and the practices of those

220 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S who take her seriously. Sympathy for the suffering, and compassionate ministry is an unknown quantity in true Eddyites, for they cannot “ suffer with” the suffering. The most careless reader of the New Testament will grant that the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is not in these teachings, and the most careful student will search in vain for any such nonsense in any of Christ’s utterances. God forbid that anyone claiming the name “ Christian” should be devoid of Christian sympathy. It is one of the graces of the Spirit—there is a great lack of it in the churches today. —K. L. B. m

A WORD TO METHODIST FRIENDS We want to heartily commend to you that good paper The Eastern Methodist, now in its fifth year, the Editor-in- Chief being Dr. L. W. Munhall, who for the last fifty years has fought the good fight of faith in behalf of the Word of God. In all these years he has been en­ gaged in evangelistic work. Over a hundred thousand souls have been won to Christ -through his efforts, and no man living has a greater influence with men than has this stalwart warrior of the Lord. The Eastern Methodist rings true to the fundamentals of the Scripture, and has been used of God to stir the slug­ gish souls of the bishops apd leaders in the Methodist church. Write to Dr. L. W. Munhall, 236 Harvey Street, Germantown Philadel­ phia, Penna., for a sample copy, and if you have any Methodist friends that need to have their faith stimulated, subscribe for a copy for them. Get the fullness of the Spirit and you will get deeper views of the Bible.

A CORRECTION Our attention has been called to an error in our editorial on Page 8 of the January number of The King’s Busi­ ness entitled “Teaching Theology.” We are told that Wm. Newton Clarke, for­ merly Professor of Christian Theology at Colgate University, died some six years ago, and that the editorial should have stated that “he was the Professor of Christian Theology” instead of using the word “is”. We are very glad to make the correction, as we desire that every statement made in The King's Business shall be absolutely in accord with the facts. —T. C. H. POOR PREACH An Indian, being asked what he did- for a living,, replied, “Oh! me preach.” “Preach!” said a bystander. “What do you get paid for preaching?” “Some­ times me get shillin’, sometimes two shillin’.” “And isn’t that mighty poor pay?”. “Oh, yes; but it’s mighty poor preach.” Wonder -if some ’ of our “higher cricket” preachers ever thought of that?


| / ^ E T tke kabit o f reading tke “ Evangelistic Stories” in | | ^ eack issue of T ke King’s Business. It will gr?e $ou | 1 tke benefit o f tke experiences o f some trained soul winners, | I and will inspire you to do definite personal work.


Tke words of tKis Song were tke last written

tke late Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman

Inside the Veil Copyright, 1&20, by Chas. H. Marsh.

36 Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman. Solo.

Chas. H. Marsh.



- r


S m I H R 1. Thro’ the pre - cions hod - y bro - ken, In - side the veil; 2. Lamb of God, thro’ Thee we en - ter In - side the veil; 3. Soon Thy saints shall all be gath-ered In - side the veil; . . .

Oh, what words to sin - ners spo - ken, In - side the veil. Cleansed by Thee we bold - ly ven - ture In - side the veil. All at home—no more be scat-tered—In - side the veil.

4 — t- T


Pre-cious as the blood that bought us, Per- feet as the love that sought us, Not a stain, a new ere - a - tion, Ours is such a full sal - va- tion, Naught fromThee our hearts shall sever, We shall see Thee, grieve Thee never,


ì è b ì



1 # ¡

1 kT us In - side the tion, In side the er, In side the

Low we bow in

Song publisked bÿ Tovey & Brooks, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, in “Gospel Solos and Daets"

Motion is back of every promotion. Purposeful activity is the surest driv­ ing force for advancement. He scatters enjoyment who can en­ joy much. ' The power of a man’s virtu© should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinary doing. One of the greatest moral and social problems is the right use of our leisure. God’s clock keeps good time, though it may not be our time. Covetousness of the earthly is a vice; of the heavenly, a virtue. True religion like the rop© of the Royal Navy is distinguished by the scarlet thread which runs through every part. - What some men want who are clam­ oring for religious liberty, is “irreli­ gious liberty.” Happy is th© man who has a friend in need, but happier is he who has Him for a friend who makes friends need-' less. All that is bad in us is ours. All that is good in us is only a loan from above to become ours with interest by good use of the principal. All th© spiritual ills of men have only two causes, the confounding of things that differ and the sundering of things that belong together. Heaven is wherever there is rest from earth with God. Civilization polishes the savage into a barbarian; Christianity makes him into a man. Philosophy seeks for what is truth; Religion finds Him who is the Truth. The light given by science is like that of the lantern; it may still leave its bearer ip. the shad©. Only that is true science which in­ creases not my doubts but my faith. Unbelief is at bottom ' only ignor­

ance ignorance of one’s own ignor­ ance. Some modern preachers are afflicted with cataract of the eyes and are ex­ pounding the eclipse of faith. A male Christian Scientist is gener­ ally a feminine man. A female Spirit­ ualist is generally a masculine woman. It used to be: Like priest, like peo­ ple. It is now: Like people, like priest. Life itself is little; it is its duties that make it great. , The great end of life is love; its great means, hope; its great method, faith. That is the great life which is equal not only to its great opportunities, but also to its small duties. Life without Christ is like the open street car-—not built for stormy wea­ ther. Common folks wish for more of life, the uncommon wish for more in life. A pure life is like the sky; the clouds pass over it, even hide it,vbut never stain it. Your words tell what you hold; your life tells what holds you. - The sermon is the man discoursing; the life is the man preaching. To be truly dead folk must die not only to their bad selves, but also to their good selves. “Society” is organized largely for the mutual maintenance of self-complac­ ency. We have fallen upon an evil time if we are found glorying in Christ’s cross for us while we shrink from taking up our cross for Him. None instruct others so well as those who have been experimentally taught of God themselves.



SINGLE SINS A company was walking in a Park, when one drew attention to a large sycamore-tree, decayed to the core. “That fine tree,” said he, “was killed by a single worm.” Two years pre­ viously, the tree was as healthy as any in the park, when a woodworm, about three inches long, was observed to be forcing its way under the bark of the trunk, ií It then caught the eye of a naturalist who was staying there; and he remarked, “Let that worm alone, and it will kill the tree.” This seemed very improbable; but it was agreed, that the black-headed worm should not be disturbed: After a time, it was dis­ covered ithat the worm had tunnelled its way •a considerable distance under the bark. The. next summer, the leaves of the tree dropped off very, early; and, in the succeeding year, it was a dead, rotten thing, and the hole made by the worm might be seen in the very heart of the once noble trunk. “Ah!” said one who was present, “let us learn a lesson from that single tree. How many who once promised fair for usefulness in the world and the church have been ruined by a single sin!”

“What are jiou doing with that Bihle cover?”

“It’s all IJiave left. 1 tore out what jlou said in your sermons, was not authentic.”

D. D. “Here, give me that.cover.” Church Member. “No air: you got the rest, I’m going to hold to this.”

Notes of a Stirring Sermon Preached Several Tears Ago a Scotchman REV. JO H N M A C NEIL

Daniel wasn’t a monk shut up in a monastery. He was a man, a great statesman filled with political cares. Three-fourths of a tree is what is above the ground. But you wouldn’t have all this bulk and beaufy but for the narrow unsightly root beneath, the other quarter. What the root is to the tree creed is to conduct. It’s non­ sense to say that it is no matter what one believes if the life is only right. The fruit of your life depends on the creed in which it is rooted. Daniel got into trouble through re­ ligion. He had no desire to get into trouble either. He wanted to do his duty the best he could for his imperial master—above all under God. He found himself in peril of his life. He wasn’t courting notoriety or persecu­ tion. If you are as faithful a Christian .as Daniel, you’ll get into trouble too. If you’ve landed on a profession of re­ ligion that doesn’t bring you into trouble, you’d better look rather nar­ rowly at your religion lest the devil has palmed off a counterfeit on you. Get Daniel’s brand. Beware of all spurious imitations. Notice that Daniel’s reli­ gion got him in and his religion also got him out and when he was out it left him nearer to God. Now there are lots of church people in just that place. You go to church and hear the truth on Sunday and God tries you through the Week. Some wal­ low through and some turn tail and go back. There’s no road to heaven by going back. Nothing can stop you if you’ll just pray and trust like Daniel did.

Dan. 6:10: “Now w hen D aniel knew th a t th e w ritin g w as signed, he w en t in to his house; an d his w indow s b ein g open in h is ch am b er to w a rd Je ru sa lem , he kneeled upon his knees th re e 'tim e s a day, and prayed, a n d gave th a n k s before his God, a s he did afo re tim e .”

HIS is the key verse round which the story of Daniel ¡turns. His enemies were moved by jealousy and were determined to put Daniel out of his high political position. They couldn’t pick a flaw in his political life, so they

leveled at his religion. They knew about his praying habits. They pro­ posed that for thirty days, if any man pray except to ¡the king, he should be cast into the lions’ den. What an illustration of constancy in religion—adherence to Biblical con­ scientious convictions. Our religion isn’t a thing to be slipped off like an old slip. It is a life or it is nothing. Matthew Arnold said, “Conduct is three-fourths of life.” I rather think he made that statement at the expense of creeds. The statement is incomplete altogether. Three-fourths of a thing is not the whole of it. If I owed Mat­ thew Arnold an account, and offered him three-fourths of it in payment, I am certain he would have gently re­ minded me of the other quarter just to logically round the thing out. Dear friends, your real life is rooted in a creed. That creed should be a living faith in a living God—which above all things manifests itself in daily prayer. The greatest test of faith down to the ground as to creed is Daniel’s habit of personal speaking to God.

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Envy and jealousy of this Jewish for­ eigner were in the hearts of the native politicians. Daniel had climbed to a place and power far above them. They had to admit he was a clean man as a politician. He was no boodler or graft­ er. The only hope they had for his overthrow was in his religion. They got Cyrus in a weak-kneed moment. Having baited the trap the murderous old rascals and graybeards drew back into the corner to see it work. And when Daniel knew the decree was out, he went into his room, with those ras- 'cals beneath the window, and prayed three times a day. There was no con­ cealing in any degree. Now look at that. He walked straight into the trap. “ ‘Will you walk into my parlor?’ said the spider to the fly,” and he walked right in. Only he was a Jew fly, so he walked right out again. Might as well talk about a trap to catch a sunbeam. The devil will waste his time trying to catch that. Remember Daniel was a veteran Versed in statecraft and in knowledge of men of this world. He was a Jew. Is a Jew a soft-eyed, chubby-faced in­ nocent? Is that the idea you have of a Jew? Somehow we’ve got the notion that a man needs to rise early to see a Jew get out of bed, if he wants to make anything for this world before break­ fast. And you’ll have to sit up late at night to catch him going to bed if any­ thing is to be made for this world. Daniel was no religious ninny and softy. He belonged to the long-headed race. He was a man capable in affairs. Men hate Jews because they rival them in the markets of the world. Here’s a man in the hour of peril who never dreamed of meeting craft with craft. He didn’t produce a card at the critical moment and trump the game. You’ll pardon my illustration. Perhaps it’ll be all the more vivid to some of you. Daniel was naturally gifted to meet those fellows in a battle of wits. Why didn’t he send for Mr. Carnal Policy and Mr. Worldly Wise

225 and Mr. Facing-both Ways? You know those fellows. Mr. Worldly Wise is often a trustee in your churches. You put him there because he was. If he had been only pious, you wouldn’t have chosen him. Why didn’t he say to Mr. Carnal Policy, when he had called these emi­ nent gentlemen together, “Look here, if I hold on to God and prayer, I’ll lose my salary and job, but if I let go, my own creed teaches me that I’ll fall into a deeper pit. How can I save my soul and my salary at the same time? I sent for you three lawyers to help me out.” Daniel is no cock and bull story. It is up to date. Where is the Christian not tempted as Daniel was to sell God, Christ, heaven and all you mean when you eat the bread and drink the cup? Some of you sell for fear of a frown or a skinful of drink. Nothing but Daniel’s faith will carry us through. Glory to God, that will. No, he didn’t send for these three. He didn’t trust to his nat­ ural wit, veteran statesman that he was. He wasn’t moved. He went into the house as he did thie day before. In the east they always pray out loud— a mighty good habit. Idolaters are never ashamed. Oh, but you say, “Mr. MacNeil, wasn’t this needless daring? .Why couldn’t he pray to himself for thirty days?” Was hie rash? Here is the point. The decree was openly pub­ lished. Daniel had to remember that God would see he had hauled down his flag and showed the white feather. You can’t cheat God. That held him steady. It must be the same with you and me. If Daniel were here I know he would say, “I am a man with like passions with you.” He felt your temptations to haul down the flag. The only differ­ ence is, he flung himself on God and God carried him through. He \yas childlike in his faith-—not child-ish. That’s the Conquering note in the Chris­ tian’s battle. Be childlike in trusting God^—no confidence in your own abil-


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Death is a toothless old tiger to the Christian. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re making too much of death. The grave doesn’t alter anything. It’s only a tun­ nel. Your body isn’t YOU. Your soul is the living, thinking being. What about your soul? Can you say with David, “Bless ¡the Lord, oh my soul”? An old Puritan said, “Take a look out of your graves every now and again.” He meant, run forward a little and imagine yourself dead and buried and the funeral over. Then take a look at the world and see how it’s get­ ting on without you—and LOYE NOT' THE WORLD. It will cure you of dab­ bling with th© world, whether it smiles or frowns at you. Twenty-four hours after you’re dead, What will the world care? Love not the world. Hold on to Jesus Christ and eternity. Think less of death.. It only emerges into the blazing light of the presence of Christ. What a blessing for some. - God deliver us from this invertebrate condition we’re in through want. of prayer to Him, the Guide and Deliverer of our lives. You won’t know till you meet Daniel in glory how he enjoyed his worship that day after the decree was out. The Bible will be sweeter to you when you’re maligned and bullied. Thank God for ANYTHING that makes us hang on to God. gwii[uiiHimHiiiinNiiii!iiiii|;iuuNuuniiiiui(uiiiiiijiuiiiiiiiiiui]iiuiiHiinHuiiiHiii{i)HiuMiiiHiiitiuing | SPENDING THE LORD’S MONEY | I (Paragraph from Resolutions I | Passed at World Conference on I | Christian Fundamentals.) | “We also take occSfeion to say 1 | that We are fully persuaded that | I men to whom God has given large i | means should make careful study 1 | both of the professorship and of | s the curriculum of study in those § I schools for which they propose 1 i any gifts; and in loyalty to God i I make their gifts to such schools 1 | and such only as believe in the l | very authority of the Bible and i i the very Deity of Christ and in I I our holy faith as voiced by the I I Book and represented by the i | Lord.” I fliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiinuiiiuiiniiiimmmniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuniiiiuiniiiiiHimnnmiuiiiiMiS

ity. That’s the simplest—but the mightiest thing in the world. A great European scholar, John Dun­ can, was led into skepticism and athe­ ism. He believed in no God whatever. His mind couldn’t entertain the thought. But he came one day into a sweet child­ like faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, with all his learn­ ing. He drifted into the habit of going to his room and .after blowing out liis candle at night, he would pray aloud. His housekeeper would hear him in his childlike prayer—“O, Lord Jesus, I’m just a little child.” Let me tell you, that’s the bravest, cleverest thing you’ll ever do—kneel down and pray. Ask the Strong One for strength and the Gracious One for grace. You’ll never be denied. There’s no lesson more needed for our own battle if it’s to end in victory. Oh, so many are utterly neglecting their only Strength. How much did you pray today? Without prayer, your foot will slip and you’ll fall. Abraham, one of the best believers, fell in Egypt. Prayer is not a weak thing. It’s the most intellectual and mighty thing. It was our Master’s all-conquering wea­ pon. Daniel kept right with God and God looked after the rest. But you say-, “Mr. MacNeil, suppose —suppose—Daniel had been killed for his faithfulness to the Bible and prayer? Where’s your story then?” You say you would suffer and be brave at all cost if God would work miracles to deliver you, but ¡there are no mir­ acles now. Who has been getting at you? You must be a soft snap for somebody who has the devil behind them. My dear friend, if Daniel was dead, the story would be the same. He would have beien dead by this time anyway, wouldn’t he? In fact the latest thing about Daniel is that he is dead. If he hadn’t died by the lions he would have died by the doctors. If you’re a true Christian, death has no reality to you.

TkeT ru tk About tke Law W hat Is the Place of Old Testament Law in the New Testament Church? By CHARLES C. COOK

be freely admitted, viz.: That when the Church arose and gradually became a force in the world, the Old Testament,' along with the New, was published to the (then) ends of the earth, and many nations were radically affected by the influence of both. Nevertheless to none of the nations, as such, were either of these books addressed, nor given, in a direct sense. These Revelations from God fell into the hands of the various nations in the natural course of events. But notwithstanding the favorable re­ ception accorded these books by the governing powers of the nations (largely due to the amalgamation of the Church and the world under Papal influence-, in­ volving modifications in their spirit, changes in their laws, etc.), it remains unalterably true that the Old Testa­ ment pertained definitely to Israel, and the New Testament to the Church, and to no others. The fact is that unregenerated na­ tions (and all nations may thps be des­ ignated), and a worldrruling church (as developed in the Papacy) could not in the very nature of the case appro­ priate and incorporate within them­ selves New Testament teachings, for these latter are spiritual, and always place emphasis on the qualities of hu­ mility, forbearance and love—-the very qualities most at va(riancei with the world-spirit, and which world-powers are consequently bound to ignore and repudiate. Therefore it was in the Old Testament that were found those prin­ ciples best' adapted to the purposes of human government, and accordingly

HE Law—Moral and Cere­ monial—-together with all the Scriptures in the Old Testa­ ment was given by God to Israel, and never to Gentile na­ tions. Those to whom this state­

ment may sound strange and who are disposed to dispute it, can make good their contention only by furnishing proof to the contrary. This will be found im­ possible, for history, however closely scrutinized, nowhere records the fact. The slightest knowledge of history will substantiate the following statements, viz.: That to Gentile nations Israel’s law was never given, and that they cared nothing whatever for it, looking upon it only with disdain. Egypt, As­ syria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, the successive great world-pow­ ers, with whose history that of Israel was more or less closely intertwined, had their own sacred writings, and their own gods, and treated with contempt all that waA included in the religion of a small, despised nation with a strange tongue, and governed by seemingly ab­ surd restrictions. It is true that later when the Old Tes­ tament Scriptures had been translated into Greek (The SeptuaginL—B. C. 286), the then world-language, and were circulated far and wide, and thus made more accessible to other nations, they were regarded as objects of great interest, eagerly read, and that they ex­ erted a strong influence in molding the thoughts and conceptions of men. Even more than this is true and may


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S ter. Nevertheless the Old Testament is to the Christian believer still the Old Testament or Covenant, and therefore cannot be his rule.of faith and practice, for to him has been given the New Tes­ tament or Covenant. A new covenant must of necessity supersede an old one, especially when the old was definitely given to a distinct people by name, and under special and peculiar circum­ stances, differing entirely from those which accompanied the giving of the New. The ignoring of this fact and the in­ discriminate appropriation of the Old Testament by the Church has led to endless confusion, and direful results. Even in the Apostles’ time the “Judaiz- ing” of the Church was the source of much error, and caused the Apostle Paul, especially, much labor to correct. The Epistle to the Galatians was writ­ ten with the definite end in view to counteract the alarming tendency to mingle law and grace. These difficul­ ties were a continuation of the Savi­ our’s troubles in getting His disciples to comprehend the scope of His mission ;after His rejection by Israel, viz: That the Gospel was now intended for world­ wide dissemination, and that the Gen­ tiles were to have as large a share in its blessings as God’s people Israel. Whatever excuse there may have been for misapprehension in former times, none exists' now, and especially since Galatians was writt^i, for there the line of demarcation between the purposes of Law (the Old Testament message), and of Grace is clearly drawn. Therefore as a rule of life the Old Testament has for the believer now no controlling value whatever. To fol­ low its teachings would be not only to prefer the shadow to the substance, but would lead to hopeless confusion, inac­ curacy, and erroneous practices and methods. In the New Testament, however, the Christian has a complete work by

these were to a greater or lesser degree incorporated into the various systems of human law. Especially is this true of the Ten Commandments, which being brief and definite, easily lent themselves to the purposes of human legislation. Freely is it agreed that to the ex­ tent that Gentile nations in any age have thus borrowed these Jewish laws of divine authorship, to thait extent have they benefited. For these laws represent God’s unchanging principles of righteousness, obedience to which is always wholesome. And even though these laws have been warped, distorted, mutilated and modified by human governing agencies that appropriated them, still they have been an improvement upon what pre­ ceded them, viz: the laws which had only a human, that is to say, a pagan origin. But has not the Law and indeed the entire Old Testament been given to the Church? Again the answer is. No, if by being given to the Church is meant that the Old Testament is in any sense in­ tended to be to the Church a rule of faith and practice. It has come into thé possession of the Church, and that in a more real and definite sense than it came into the hands of Gentile nations. In fact it is a part of the Church’s heri­ tage,—a priceless heir-loom that has many glorious uses. It is truly in­ spired and of intense interest because of its peerless historical account of cré­ ation, and of the race,—especially. Is­ rael; because of its matchless devo­ tional portions that comfort the hearts of men in all ages; its revelation of the marvelous attributes and works of God; its specifications of God’s plans and purposes; but perhaps most of all on account' of its illuminating prophe­ cies, many of them since fulfilled, and many others yet to be, the fulfilment of the former being an earnest to the be­ lieving heart of the reality of the lat­

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