Tke words of tKis Song were tke last written
tke late Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman
Inside the Veil Copyright, 1&20, by Chas. H. Marsh.
36 Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman. Solo.
Chas. H. Marsh.
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S m I H R 1. Thro’ the pre - cions hod - y bro - ken, In - side the veil; 2. Lamb of God, thro’ Thee we en - ter In - side the veil; 3. Soon Thy saints shall all be gath-ered In - side the veil; . . .
Oh, what words to sin - ners spo - ken, In - side the veil. Cleansed by Thee we bold - ly ven - ture In - side the veil. All at home—no more be scat-tered—In - side the veil.
4 — t- T
Pre-cious as the blood that bought us, Per- feet as the love that sought us, Not a stain, a new ere - a - tion, Ours is such a full sal - va- tion, Naught fromThee our hearts shall sever, We shall see Thee, grieve Thee never,
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1 kT us In - side the tion, In side the er, In side the
Low we bow in
Song publisked bÿ Tovey & Brooks, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, in “Gospel Solos and Daets"
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